Chapter XXI

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"How does this have anything to do with history?" A groan sounded from Sophie's lips. A hand covered her mouth, preventing her from adding any more complaints to the list Alexi jotted down in his brain.

I flunked physics, there's no point in trying.

My exam is on Russian history, not space!

Why is a mafia leader studying physics? It's against your stereotype.

"It doesn't. I'm trying to widen your horizons with knowledge." Alexi received an eye roll from his wife before she laid back down on the couch they were sitting on. Alexi was allowed to roam around his house after one week of resting in the medical ward, but much to his dismay, his work ban was yet to be lifted. "Besides, it's beautiful."

Sophie blinked twice as she was taken aback by Alexi's choice of words. "Who knew that you had that word in your dictionary?" Recently, she has been teasing her husband relentlessly and Alexi seemed to be taking in every word ungrudgingly.

Where they a match made in heaven? No...instead they're a match made in the torture cells of the Russian leader's mansion. Who would've thought that the seemingly apathetic man who murdered those who defied him would one day lay down on a couch with his wife's head resting on his lap, both with books in hand.

The answer is: No one would've predicted that.

Sophie's parents, despite knowing that Alexi would never mistreat their daughter, expected that she would be neglected and treated like dirt beneath his feet. They feared that.

When the members of Alexi's mafia heard of the the new Donna, many prayed that she was mentally strong enough to handle the brutality of her husband while others scoffed and snickered, betting on how long she would last in the Grim reaper's mansion.

No one would've predicted the sequence of events that occurred in Alexi and Sophie's lives. Not those who attended the Russian wedding of the decade. Not the under-bosses of the Russian mafia. Not the mafia leaders. Not even Alexi and Sophie predicted that they would find comfort in each others presence.

The shift in the walls between them was so gradual, it was almost undetectable...unless you were named Eva or Ivan. The head-maid and head-guard were almost certain that if they made bets on Sophie becoming a significant part of their lives, they would've won.

Every morning that she could, Sophie helped Eva with making breakfast. She complained to the woman and told her all of the thoughts she could spare like she was her бабушка.


Ivan received no less from Sophie. In a month from starting to learn sign language, Sophie was the reason almost every member of the high guard learned the basics of sign language. Ivan speculated that it was a direct order from his Don, but he also believed that the soldiers were completely willing to learn it out of respect for their Donna.

Why wouldn't they? She was the reason they weren't berated by their Don everyday. Now he resorted to berating them every other day. Many soldiers weren't sure why he would do that, but what Ivan knew is that Sophie threatened to chop off Alexi's hair if he wouldn't stop treating his soldiers terribly. Add that to the hint of guilt tripping Alexi endured and you get soldiers receiving a day off from being reprimanded by the Russian Don.

" When a massive star runs out of fuel, the force of gravity causes it to collapse on itself and explode." Alexi continued reading a passage from his book. Sophie yawned dramatically before praying for the star out loud. "May it rest in peace and may the sun wait till I die before it explodes like this star."

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