Chapter VI

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Alexi was a man of habit. He preferred everything to be done his way and he liked his actions to be planned precisely. Alexi Dimitri did not control the largest country in the world and benefit from the seventy-five trillion dollars it makes every year for nothing. He planned every step that got him to where he was at this very moment. Except one small obstacle that goes by the name of Sophie Dimitri.

His wife.

Despite entering his life against her will, she managed to enthral him without doing anything. It filled Alexi with confusion; how do you feel captivated by someone you just met? Alexi Dimitri had to know everything about everyone he encountered, so when Sophie entered his life, he wanted to know more than what the papers read. That was where he got confused: why did he feel that need?

They say curiosity killed the cat, but this cat had apathetic blood running in its veins and has seven lives. So, to say Alexi gave a damn would be an understatement.

He had to know everything there is to know about Sophie Dimitri, no matter what it took.

☆*:. 。... 。.:*☆

Eighteen gruesome hours. That is the cost of being the Russian Don. Alexi had to work for eighteen hours straight, with occasional check ups on his mansion and a certain green-eyed wife of his. He meddled in everything that brought him money; supplying weapons, protection, assassins, cybercrime, stock trade, managing his companies, transporting drugs and illegal substances, and everything in between. If he were to disappear off the face of this earth, he would be set to support four generations that come after him and give them a lavish lifestyle with the amount of money he has.

But he never would.

He loved the thrill he got from seeing others bow before his power, physically or not. Nothing could replace the rush he got from holding someone's life by the palm of his hand and hearing them beg. The begging made him feel like he was invincible. Alexi was the embodiment of the deadly sin pride. In his world, he stood above all else for the longest time-

Until his wife stood beside him, above them all.

The same wife that he was going back home to. Granted she was probably asleep for it was way past midnight, but he revelled in the thought that he wouldn't go back to a lonely home filled with soulless maids and guards, although he would never admit it.

The gates of the mansion opened for Alexi, his guards saluting him at this ungodly hour. His car came to a halt when he realised that its parking spot was occupied by a certain Mercedes-Benz. His lips lifted and his tired eyes closed for a second to remember the hour he spent laughing at his wife's facial expressions. The hours of laughing that made up for years of grim smiles. It has been long since he laughed for the sake of joy.

Parking in the spot next to the Mercedes, Alexi got out of his car and walked to his house's gate that was opened by more guards. He beelined towards the kitchen because his stomach could no longer handle being empty. Many people wanted to see the Don fall to the ground lifeless, so many would opt to poison his food, making Alexi only eat in the comfort of his own home where upmost security precautions are made to protect him.

The light that emitted from the fridge as he opened it luminated a plate sitting in the centre of the fridge. It was covered with saran wrap and a small note that read: 'Нагрейте его в микроволновке. Снимите обертку сначала! Софи.'

[Heat it in the microwave. Remove the wrapper first! Sophie.]

A tired smile covered his face as he stared at the plate of alfredo pasta heating in the microwave. He took it out and sat at the kitchen counter and ate in silence like it has always been for him. His mealtimes were the harshest reminders that he was utterly and truly alone. He hated them. So, he made it a rule that any high ranking members of his mafia dine with him whenever they had to come to the mansion and now that rule included his wife too.

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