Chapter XXIV

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The fisted hands belonging to Sophie were hidden under the dinner table. They were the only way for her to release her frustration. It was either that or she could create a scene. The latter seemed like an emotionally draining option, so clenching her fists till her knuckles turned white was the best option. She pushed her seat away from her husband for the third time.

"Tell us more!" Dominik's wife, Klara, leaned forward in her seat wanting to hear more from the Russian Don. It was a rare occurrence that all the influential, high society guests in the dinner hall turned towards Alexi just to listen. It just happened to come at the expense of his wife.

The woman was cut off repeatedly by her husband after trying to answer multiple questions about herself, which he then proceeded to answer himself. Alexi would grab her hand and entwine it with his on top of the table, all for the greedy eyes of these guests, making Sophie discreetly pull back her hand and clench her fists under the table.

"She's quite pampered in this house. An apology to her is worth a twenty-three million rock from the moon." Alexi did not even spare Sophie a glance as he lathered himself in the gasps and stares coming from his guests.

"What a lucky woman! I would die to be in your place!" A luxury brand owner swooned from the end of the table.

It wasn't her crude comments that crushed Sophie, but the collective murmurs of agreement coming from the dozens of guests around them. You want my place? take it! She wanted to yell. But be prepared to have your father tortured to a pulp and be taken away from everything you've ever know.

She wanted to tell them plenty of things about Alexi, but would they even care? Would they care that he slit a man's throat? Would they care that the moon rock was an apology for that? They wouldn't. They were that hungry for money and power. To be married to a man like Alexi was heaven to them.

But as of right now, it was equivalent to being locked in a cell and silenced to Sophie.

"What do you do all day, Mrs. Dimitri, with all of the money and free time you have." A Russian diplomat eyed the diamond on her neck. Great, the one question I can answer is a backhanded insult.

"I actually dont have all the free time in the world. I'm studying to become a historian." Sophie manages to smile as she answers that, finding joy in talking about her achievements. A scoff from across the table made that smile drop.

"I guess being the wife of one of the world's richest men comes with its perks. You can even study a useless degree and not worry about money." A guest with hair as white as a toilet seat insulted her.

Sophie turned towards Alexi, who now twirled a strand of her hair around his finger. Her eyes pleaded with his, begging him to intervene. He promised he would protect her, promised that no one would disrespect her as long as he was alive. Where those lies?

When he finally decided to open his mouth and speak, Sophie wished he hadn't. "She can make a mean shrimp butter, so thats all I really care about." Murmurs of agreement floated around the table, followed comments about women and how all they are good for is cooking.

Where did all your bravado go, Sophie? Didn't they just bow in front of you? Why are you letting them disrespect you? Sophie's thoughts swarmed around her head. She knew the answer to all of those questions.

Her confidence shattered the moment her husband used her to show off to the influential men and women sitting around them. She lost every ounce of courage when the leader of the Russian mafia himself failed to protect her even though they share the same last name.

The utensils on the table shook as Sophie stood up from her seat, pushed her hands on the table for support, not allowing anyone to see how badly her legs were shaking. The humiliation and sorrow crept up to her face, turning it red. She was holding back tears while her husband sat back in his seat with an amused expression. All he cared about was his guests. They brought in money for him. Sophie didn't.

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