Chapter XXXIX

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Sophie did not know how much she meant to the people she learned to call her family until she got hurt. Ivan, Maria, and the rest of the people that worked under her husband were not feigning worry for the sake of thier Don. The worry and fear she had seen them projecting is simply because they worried and feared for her.

It was also proven by the fact that as Alexi rushed down the hall, a gun glinting in his hand, the entire medical crew he personally pays a six-digit check walked up to him and for the first time pleaded for the life of thier Donna, believing that his callout for her with a gun was the announcement of her death.

They thought she was a traitor once and sat and watched as she slowly died without doing anything. Not this time. After Sebastian, they had sworn true loyalty to thier Donna, and that meant protecting her against Alexi.

Even if they misunderstood who his target was this time.

Seeing that Alexi's bodily physique was not of a person that sat studying for seven years to become a doctor, he easily managed to push his way through them with force. What he didnt anticipate is that they would lay thier lives out for thier Donna by standing in front of her medical room's door, preventing the Don from going in.

"We are sorry, Boss. But we can't allow you to hurt her." One of his doctors announced.

A look of fury formed across his face at the blatant disobedience from his people, but as he connected the dots in his head, his expression cooled down.

They were protecting thier Donna, he told himself. If I wasnt so proud of thier loyalty, I would've shot them in that medical brain of Thiers.

"Bring me Ivan." he told the same doctor who immediately nodded and turned to bring the guard, hoping that this would prevent harm coming to his Donna...

Which wasnt Alexi's target in the first place.

"And next time," Alexi spoke, making the doctor stop in his tracks. "If you ever think you can disobey my orders, I assure you I won't be so generous with my mercy." All of the medical team gulped, but did not move an inch, still wanting to protect Sophie.

As Ivan heard that he was summoned, he too, gulped before sending Sophie a small smile and exiting the room. Sophie quickly turned to Maria and pleaded with her to help Ivan because she "can't walk to Alexi and pinch his ears to stop his nonsense."

A few minutes of silence passed between the two women as they waited for the inevitable storm of violence.

Which started with the sound of metal coming in contact with flesh, and Ivan's groan of pain. Maria shot up from her seat and immediately rushed outside, instructing Sophie to stay put in her place.

Sophie planned to do just that, hoping that bieng obedient wouldn't enrage Alexi even more. However, as she heard Maria's shrill scream and the increase in commotion outside the room, Sophie suddenly decided she was a professional hopper and jumped out of her bed.

Her wrapped foot hung in the air as she hopped to the hallway only to see Alexi and Ivan fighting like they were in a boxing ring. Ivan was sprawled on the floor trying to dodge his boss's fist and gun without bringing harm to him.

In his mind, Ivan honestly believed it was his fault Sophie was sitting in that bed, injured, and that equaled getting beat up to death by Alexi.

Sophie who was most definitely not sitting in that bed, believed the exact opposite.

"Alexi Nikolai Dimitri! Dont make me hop there and pull your ear!" Sophie in fact did hop closer to Alexi, who's head shot up at the sight of his injured wife wearing his clothes.

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