Chapter V

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When Sophie was younger, she couldn't wait to grow up and see how her life would turn out. How she will turn out. And now that she is grown up, her life would disappoint her younger self.

Yes, being dragged into a blood pact and marrying the man who practically controls Russia after your dad almost died at his hands is certainly eventful, but it wasn't the future young Sophie wanted. However, she wanted to live with her parents and have an unlimited supply of candy, so who's to say her dreams where even accurate? Even so, the now-young woman never wanted to be thrown in the clutches of a man like Alexi. Who can be sure he won't do to her what he does to others?

It was a fear that plagued her mind in the very few moments she caught the glint of his metal Glock, or the random splotches of blood on his clothes. Alexi could, at any moment, end her life with out so much of an excuse. That same fear was questioned when she felt something like safety when being in his arms.

A warm feeling buzzed from his chest, contradicting the aura he radiated while he was walking around as Alexi Dimitri, the Russian Don. Sophie couldn't help but rest her head on his chest, because in an odd sense, he was Alexi Dimitri, her husband. She was not stupid; he could completely eradicate any sense of safety she felt in a millisecond if he wanted to.

But it was the thrill of knowing that she can play a game of cat and mouse with a certified apathetic murderer and come out of it unscathed.

and she's going to continue playing until it bites her in the ass.

Sophie was brought out of her thoughts when Alexi's arm wrapped around her, completely covering her with his body. "Alexi- I can't breathe!" She tried wiggling out of his grasp to let her lungs expand so she could breathe. His body weight was quite literally sopping her oxygen intake.

A tired chuckle left his lips, "glad to know I took your breath away." Alexi eventually rolled off of his wife and sat on the edge of the bed. "Доброе утро, Гремлин." He got up and walked over to their en suite bathroom and started the shower, all while his wife sat with her eyes wide.

[Good morning, Gremlin.]

Did he just call me a gremlin? The Audacity.

After curling into a ball and snuggling into her pillow for a while, Sophie decided it was time to start her day and stretched her limbs like a feline. She started tidying up their bed when the sound of the shower cap turning off was heard. Alexi walked out of the shower with his hand clutching the towel wrapped around his waist, his wet hair falling over his eyes.

Sophie decided to give him privacy, because that's what she would've wanted if she were in his shoes and entered the bathroom. She decided against a shower because she took one the day before, and frankly showers and icy weather didn't go well for her. Alexi's voice called her from their room, making her hurry and leave the bathroom a few minutes later.

"Yeah?" She walked inside their walk-in closet to see him wearing his suit jacket in front of the mirror. Alexi turned towards her, "I'm going to one of my warehouses and I'll miss dinner today, so don't wait for me. You'll have the house to yourself so feel free to explore it, just do not leave the grounds. I repeat: Не покидайте дом."

[Do not leave the house.]

Raising her hands in surrender, she replied. "Okay, I won't." She sent him a lazy smile, sleep still having it's hold on her as she walked closer to him. She reached over to his dress shirt and unbuttoned it. Alexi's face was stoic the whole time, only following her actions with his eyes. She then rebuttoned it. "You had that button in the wrong whole." She smoothed out his dress shirt and stepped back.

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