Chapter XI

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Alexi felt like he started seeing life through a high-quality lens. The moment his wife walked down the stairs leading to the entrance of their house, his breath clumped up in his throat, and that was a first for the ruthless man. Sophie looked like a dark wingless angel coming to take his soul and he would willingly serve it to her on a golden platter. If he was a camera, that moment to him was equivalent to getting a new lens because somehow, everything seemed more beautiful.

Maybe that's an exaggeration.

The one thing that he was sure of is that he wanted to kneel before his wife because of how ethereal she looked. The way her hair swooped around her face and the black shadow covered the rim of her eyes made her look like she was walking towards the throne she was born to descend upon. "This is why the patriarchy exists..." Alexi mumbled as his wife neared him.

Sophie stopped in her tracks. "Are you trying to make me chase you with my heals?" Her brows raised in defiance at her husband. Even for a crime leader, I expected a different answer, she laughed in her mind.

"Aren't you going to ask me why I think that?" He teased her. Sophie sighed in frustration as she stepped in front of Alexi. "Why, my dear husband, do you think that?" She decided to play along with him.

"Because..." Alexi stepped forward and slithered his hands around his wife's waist, making chills crawl across her body. "You would make men voluntarily bow down to their knees. If you ruled instead, we would carve our hearts out on a whim only if you asked." He leaned towards her and she in turn looked up at him with a curl to her lips.

"You have a way with words Mr. Dimitri." She brushed her fingers across the rim of his suit jacket, only to notice initials embossed with gold on the jacket. "S.D? Is that a brand name?" She inquired as she read the letters.

"Only if you want it to be." Alexi's lips lifted into a sneaky grin making Sophie only grow more confused. "These are initials for a name. Your dress has complementary ones on your waist." Sophie gazed down to her waist and a few inches above the dress's slit, two letters were sewn in gold. They were small enough to hide between the rippling of the silk dress.


"How are these two complementary?" She tried to solve her husband's puzzle. He continued looking down at his wife with a wide grin, amused at her confusion. "They are complementary to each other the same way we are." He gave her another clue.

"As husband and wife? How are the letters married to-" Sophie cut off her sentence as realisation came to her. "Alexi Dimitri and Sophie Dimitri! They stand for our initials." Alexi's face lit up as his wife figured out his riddle.

"умная девушка." He whispered before laying a quick peck on the top of his wife's head. "Come on, it's time. Have you ever been on a private jet?" He asked as he walked alongside Sophie. She shook her head with a small smile. She couldn't help but feel excited to get that plane; her husband's private jet in fact.

[Smart girl.]

"Then I'll make it one of many firsts in our lifetime." He caressed his hands on the bottom part of her waist. Where did this side to Alexi come from? I knew he was persuasive because of his underground work, but I didn't know that he could use it for other purposes. But if that was true, is he using his sweet togue to put up the 'perfect couple' act? Sophie's thoughts took over her as she walked towards Alexis's car. A young man opened her door first, taking her by surprise. Isn't he supposed to put his Don first? She wondered even more. Am I on a parallel universe?

She was hoping that she would soon wake up and find herself back to the original earth she was in where Alexi corrects her for stating the wrong date of birth of one of the Romanov princesses or steals the pasta leftovers she hides in the fridge. She hated this Alexi because she knew he wasn't real. He wouldn't be there the next day. She hated that.

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