Chapter XXXI

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The bottle was almost empty by the time the clock struck midnight. Alexi had to keep reminding himself that he did not want to become an alcoholic any time soon just to stop himself from pouring another cup of the liquor in front of him.

It was the fact that he was waiting for something very important that made him anxious, which inevitably lead to him fill his glass again.

But he did not need to wait any longer, as Dominik entered his office with a grin he knew all too well. "The package is here. Everything is ready." He informed Alexi who did not hesitate to push his seat back and step from behind his desk.

"We shouldn't keep our guest waiting." Alexi's tone was anything but welcoming.

As the two men walked towards the darkest parts of the newly constructed Dimitri mansion, Alexi decided to teach his underboss a bit more about zoology. "Have you ever heard of the oxpecker bird?"

Dominik shook his head, sensing there was something more to it, he played along to Alexi's antics. "No, I dont. Care to enlighten me?"

Alexi simply shrugged; the corners of his lips turned slightly upwards. "You'll find out soon enough." He finished his words as they stepped in front of a metal door, flaunted by a guard who immediately opened the door when he was met with his Don and underboss, then bowing his head down in respect.

Dominik snorted as he looked inside the room at thier precious guest. "In my opinion, you have never looked better than now." Alexi stared at the man tied to the chair in the center of the cell; a single light bulb dangling from the ceiling above him allowed Alexi to see the bloody state the man was in.

This wasnt even the beginning of the torture he would endure.

"I beg to differ." Alexi disagreed. "I think he would look even better after were done with him. Now," Alexi ushered to the guard outside to come in with the package that had recently arrived. "I doubt you know what an Oxpecker is, and if you do, you will know where this is going."

The man did not move. "I thought so." Alexi tsked. "The Oxpecker bird is an interesting one seeing that he drinks blood."

If the man's eyes were fine, they would have been as wide as saucers; but because Alexi blinded him with a switchblade two weeks prior, Sebastián could only hold a breath. He could guess what Alexi's sick brain came up with.

"Your body is littered with wounds. I know you can't see it, but you most definitely feel it. This is where the Oxpecker comes in handy." Alexi ushered his guards to open up the package and take out one of the many birds Alexi had acquired. "When this guy smells blood from a wound, he shoves his beak into it, damaging it even more, to prevent it from healing so he could continue nibbling on the blood."

"Fuck you, Alexi!" Sebastian yelled when he realized Alexi's plan. "You'll fucking regret this! I will ma-" Sebastian was cut off but his own screams as a blade pierced his face once more, opening a fresh wound there. That same blade swiped across multiple parts of his body, allowing more blood to drip from Sebastian's body. The birds in the cage went haywire, flapping thier wings and squealing in a high-pitched tone as they smelled the blood.

"I would love to stay here and watch the show, but I have a wife to get to." Alexi spoke as he retracted the blade and started wiping the blood that covered it on Sebastian's arms. "Can't let any of your filthy blood get wasted, can we?"

A disgruntled sound left Sebastian's lips as he fought, and failed, against the chains that restrained him. Alexi paid him no mind as and Dominik exited the filthy cell. "Release them."

With only the sounds of Sebastian's agony behind him, Alexi strode towards the only place he wanted to be at the moment.

Dominik was only a few steps behind him as he took a moment to witness the dozens of birds latching onto Sebastian's wounds, piercing them with thier beaks and ripping his flesh open to lap more of his blood.

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