Chapter XX

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"I was dispatched because I'm fine, Sophie." Alexi crossed his arms across his chest in defiance. He's the embodiment of a man-child, Sophie snickered.

"No, you were dispatched out of the hospital because you have the resources to be taken care of at home. Call it the perks of having a medical ward built in your house." Sophie corrected Alexi as she forced him to lay back down on the bed.

"Call it whatever you want. I'm fine and I need to get back to work." Alexi did not know when Sophie started mothering him around, but it started at one point, and it never stopped.

"The last thing I'll let you do is work." Sophie pulled a seat towards Alexi's medical bed and seated herself with a book in her hands. "You can try to find the next digit of Pi, but you are not going near your office. I have never seen a criminal so eager to get back to criminal-ing." She scoffed.

Alexi raised his arm above his face to hide the sunlight coming from the window across from him. "Это даже не слово." He muttered.

[It's not even a word.]

Sophie put down the book in her hands and raised a brow. "Hmm?" She hummed. "Did you say something? I could swear I heard you insult my choice of words." Sophie sent him a threatening glare.

Her husband rolled his eyes. "No ma'am. I was just laying down. Resting." He replied, trying to appease Sophie so she could leave him the fuck alone.

"Good boy." Sophie sent him a sarcastic wink before going back to reading her book.

I went from being one of the most feared leaders in the world to being called pet names. I have hit a new low. Alexi closed his eyes and focused on the sound of pages flipping as Sophie read in silence until he was pulled into a vast sea of darkness.

☆*:. 。... 。.:*☆

Maria recommended that Alexi rests for a week after he was dispatched from the hospital in St. Petersburg and brought back home. However, Alexi decided that resting is the least of his problems because of a certain French prisoner whose words altered everything in Alexi's future.

Unbeknownst to Sophie, Alexi's work-phone has never left his side. Every moment she would step out of the medical ward in their home, he would pull out the tech device and start conversations with his underbosses that may or may not entail the demise of the French leader, Sebastian. all remained unknown to Sophie until by a sheer moment of luck, she heard her husband's voice talking to himself in the room as she returned to the room. Not talking to himself but talking to Dominik.

Quickly, she caught on to Alexi's routine. She would leave the room, then he would pull out his phone, and secrets were spoken into the silence of his medical room.

Despite knowing that eavesdropping isn't particularly a remarkable thing, especially in a marriage, Sophie wanted to not be left in the dark or treated like she was insignificant. It's probably mom's words getting to my head- since when did I want to hear all the criminal gossip? Although I must say it's pretty entertaining-

Alexi wasn't one to withhold information from his wife, but the things he tells her are filtered a billion times before they are fed into her ears, so she resorted to turning into an eavesdropping a spy- A spy working for herself.

Sophie soon connected the dots and found out what her husband was doing. He was planning on collecting more evidence than he already had, and thanks to the French soldier in captivity he was closer to his goal of revenge. All he had to do is to present it to the union of leaders after he ends Sebastian's life.

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