Chapter XXV

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No one will lay a hand on you as long as I breath.

I would get on my knees for you and remain that way for centuries, just to ask for your forgiveness.

I promise you, no violence will reach you from this moment on. Not a sight or a murmur of it.

I would never want harm to come to you, my only family.

How sweet did those lies taste on your lips, Alexi?

☆*:. 。... 。.:*☆

A week. Seven days. One hundred and sixty-eight hours.

One thing they share in common was that they're defined as numerical values. Pieces of time linked together to form a whole. Another thing they share is that they identify the length of time Sophie sat in that horrible room that was filled with fresh, but cruel memories.

It smelled of decay and walls that have long started peeling from humidity. It smelled of fear and pain.

"You could cooperate, little bird. You cooperate and you can be rid of all of this." A horrid smile covered Sebastian's features as he spun around himself with his hands outstretched, gesturing to the room Sophie was bound in; To him, she was a little, insignificant bird in a cage. Was he so uncultured to have never heard of not judging a book by it's cover?

"Would you 'cooperate' if you were in my place?" She asked, her voice raspy from the nights she spent weeping in sorrow in that horrid cell.

Sorrow for the state she was in and what she had and still endures.

Sebastian placed his filthy blade on a nearby table before he crouched down in front of the chair Sophie sat bound in. "I wouldn't, in all honesty, because the people I would ever be in this position for are worth something to me." He stood up and gazed down at Sophie's bruised form. "So, little bird, my question for you is: why are you going through hell and back just to protect him? You think I didnt see the way he treated you? If it were me I would be more than just 'cooperating' with his enemies."

"Is that why you comforted me? You thought it would cause me to seek revenge?" She questioned him, trying to summon every ounce of energy left in her body after a week of continuous torture, blood loss, and starvation.

"Does it not make you want to?" He pressed on, hoping to see a glimmer of defeat in her eyes. It would be of immense help to him if she disclosed any sort of information about the Russian mafia.

Sophie Dimitri's head dropped in fatigue. "Thats where you make a huge mistake, Sebastian." She made sure to use the energy she mentally collected to power her acting. "I'm nothing to Alexi." Lie. She knew she was worth at least something.

However, the hurt in Sophie's voice was as true as the emotions she felt in that dinner hall.

Sebastian straightened from his leaned-back position, giving his attention completely to Sophie's act. "You think that the dinner was the first time he has treated me that way?" Another lie.

It was the first time Sophie had witnessed Alexi in a different light. She jotted it down to him trying to keep up his reputation of the grim reaper in front of the guests, preventing any sort of rumors of a weakness or a leverage others could use against him.

A moment of silence passed between them before a chuckle sounded from his lips. "You have easy tells, Mrs. Dimitri. I dont believe a word you're saying." He sauntered towards her, flicking open a switchblade that previously rested in his pocket.

Sophie's eye widened, her gaze switching back and forth from the knife to Sebastian's eyes. "Lying is not a good virtue, is it?"

"Hey hey hey!" she called out to him. "We can talk about this." She pleaded.

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