Chapter Two: A New Life

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POV: Zella

     After some time I was able to open my eyes. The first thing I see is pale orange-yellow desert sand,  then I realize that I am looking down. I'm sad at myself that it took me a good min or two to realize that. When I looked up I was surrounded by a lot of tall Gerudo women all asking why I had stopped walking all of a sudden and looked down. They were even calling me 'little princess' Zella. 

[I didn't think this was a thing until now lol] - SarahSmith4848

    I don't remember anyone by that name in any of the games. Maybe I was born after the game was won? If so I think I am in the Breath of The Wild one by the look of the Gerudo women around me. I asked, "Where are we going? I forgot." They sighed and said that we are going to see the Queen, my Mom. I must be the daughter of Raiju. I will have to work hard if I am a princess. But I don't think I will be the 'good princess' that Gerudo Town needs so I will ask my mom about that.

     Walking to the throne room I see the guards working hard. I even see how beautifully dressed everyone was. Maybe I can get an outfit that's just as beautiful or more so. It may be fun to make my own and be able to dance in it. Mmm, I think I like the sound of that, maybe I'll be a dancer so I can show off my outfit when I make it. Now that sounds like a lot of fun! Thought I will need to take a dance class and a class for dress-making. I hope my mom will let me do this.

     Before I knew it we were in the throne room walking up to my mom. "Ha, Zella, my daughter. It's good to see that you are awake now, I thought you'll sleep the day away if you slept any longer than you have already." Raiju said to me as I stopped in front of her. Raiju and her kind smile were like a mother seeing her baby for the first time, then again I am her baby. 

"The reason I want you here is to make your daily workout routine. So you can be a strong leader for our people," Mom said as she got out some paper to write the routine down.

"Mom, I will like to add something to my daily routine along with the workout," I asked before she could say anything about the workout plan.

"Sure my little Zella, what is it that you want to add to you're daily routine?" She asked as she looked up from the paper.

"I will like to add dress-making and dancing to the daily routine. The reason for this is so I can have fun and see how the people of Gerudo Town live their life here," I made sure to add a reason so it will help me get what I want into my daily routine.

"Wow, you are starting to sound like a true leader looking to learn more for the good of the people but still having fun simultaneously. I'm proud to hear that my little Za-Za," She looked so happy and proud of me that I could not help but smile with her.  

Daily Routine:

5:00 - Wake up, get ready for the day, and have breakfast

7:00 - Training with the castle guards in the training room

Noon -  Have lunch with Mom and rest for a bit

1:00 - Dancing class with the kids of the town

4:00 - Dress-making class with the town tailor

7:00 - Have dinner with Mom where we will talk about how the day was

9:00 - Get ready for bed

Weekends - Learning from the Royal Tutor from 7 am to 7 pm

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