Chapter 12: Now To Give Them Their Names

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POV: Zella

     It had taken some time but Jenna was able to explain to me that in the middle of the night, I had started to cry out in pain. A lot of the mothers in the village had thought that I had gone into labor and they were right. I had gone into labor but I was still asleep and Nali was running around getting everything together. So when they came over to help to just see that I was still sleeping they got worried that I may pass away before ever seeing my babies. With this in their mind, they got her,(Jenna), to come help. Once everything was over I had woken up and she told me how she was happy to see that I was ok.

     As she was telling me this Nali came over to me with my little babies, "You have two very beautiful twins, a boy and a girl. So have you thought about their names yet?" Asked one of the mothers as they all came to my side to hear the names. "Yes, the girl will be named Jenna, after Jenna here as she was there when I found out about my pregnancy and was here for the end." As I was saying this I could see her crying with happiness at the name. "For my son, his name will be Gan. (I don't want to tell them his full name, Ganondorf, as it is seen as a name of Evil and Malice within Gerudo Town.)" 

     It wasn't until after I had said their names did my little twins stopped crying to look up at me. I knew from this point on that I would give up my life for them if it was ever to come to it. With this vow and the start of a new day, I made a promise that if any of my kids were to be hurt I'll take them away but only if they asked me to do so. 

     The mothers of the village help me to care for my twins and even show me how to get them to lash onto my breast so that I can feed them. They were a lot to care for even if there was only one baby so with the help of the other mothers I was able to understand how to get things done during their feeding times so that they both eat throughout the day. At one time or another, a young teen girl from the village would come over to see the baby and ask if it was okay that they help clean up my home so that I could focus on getting better and caring for the twins. I have told them that I'll do the cleaning later but they said that they will have kids of their own one day so this will help them learn. 

     Before I knew it a week had passed by and it had gotten a bit easier to care for Gan-Gan and Little Jenna.  Though there has been a few times were one of them will wake up in the night but I think it was because the over one had hit them by accident in their sleep. So I had asked one of the teen girls if they had any small blanket I could use and she said they had one from when she was small. She said that it was put up at the moment so it will take some time to find it but she will give it to me when she dose. I thanked her for this favor and that I'll get her something from Gerudo Town when I have returned there.

(I'll have to take my babies', Ganon and Jenna, to Gerudo Town as it is part of the law. The law says that if any baby's' were to be born outside of Gerudo Town that they must go to our home land for their training on the year of their 5th birthday. This law was made so that us Gerudo people can be sure that no one was hurting our young ones.)

     As I was thinking about how they will go though the same training I did, I was feeding them both at the same time. Just as I had gotten done feeding them, Jenna (Friend), came over for a visit. We had some late lunch as the little ones sleep when Jenna asked, "So when do you plan on letting them go outside? I know they are too young now but when do you think you'll be ok with them going." I have thought about this a bit over the last day or so so I give her my answer, "I think in a few months when they start walking on their own with out any help." Jenna took a moment to think about my answer before saying that I should try taken them out onto the porch fist when I do so that they don't get over stimulated. I thanked her for this info before asking her about what has happen within the the village as of late.


(900 words)

[I couldn't think of just one name for the girl so I did this and Jenna wins!]

[I couldn't think of just one name for the girl so I did this and Jenna wins!]

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[I help you all like the names!]

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