Chapter 9: The Help Of A New Friend? Or A Lover?

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[At this moment in the story she has been lost for at lest 2 hours.]


POV: Zella

     I had lost the path a long time ago and I'm starting to think this isn't the way to the Snowfield Stable. As I had Shadow walk on I see something in the distance...It looks like a Lynel...Maybe they can help me get back to the path. I looked up to the sky to see that it is far to late to go all the way back to the path as it is 4:30 pm. It will not be good for Shadow to be out in the snow at night or for my little one. 

     As I got closer to this Lynel, I was able to tell what type of Lynel it was, a Silver Lynel. From what I know of the game there is only one silver Lynel in the Tabantha tundra and it's by the Sha Gehma Shrine. When I got closer to this Lynel he took out his bow, (I think they are a he/him), I yell out asking, "I'm sorry to intrude on you're territory. But I had become lost after the snow storm came though. Will it be alright if I stay with you for the night, sir?" 

     He stop to look at me for a moment as he seem to think about it. After a mine he looks back to me before he answers, "If you can give me something in return for this help; then I'll give you my help." I was taken aback by how deep/sexy his voice was. After I was able to think clearly again, I nodded to his request as I thought about what to give him.  He made a hand gesture to follow him as he walked over to some trees.

     I walked at his side as we made our way over to the trees but then he stopped for a moment to sniff the air as I pass him. Ones I was a feet or two away from him I stop and looked back to him to see him still sniffing the air for a moment more before he looked to me. Then he walked over to my side and put his hand behind my back before he leaned over to sniff me. 

Him: "Mmm, are you aware of the little child growing with-in you?"

Zella: "Yes, I'm aware of my little one. I found out just not that long ago I believe."

Him: "One? With how strong of a smell you are giving off, I think there is more than one. Maybe two or three at best."

Zella: "Three?! For us Gerudo women, it is most common to have one at a time. It's rara to have two as it is now. But three is far to mush for us to handle as it is in Gerudo Town."

Him: "Then there is most likely two. Here, you can make camp under these trees."

     I looked to see that with the way the trees are they will block must of the cold wind. The Lynel told me that he was going to go get something and that he will be back soon. With that said he was gone so I started to work on making the fire for the night. It took a bit to get the wood for the fire but after that it was  up and going.

     When I started to put a cover on Shadow to help keep him warm for the night I see the Lynel coming back. Ones he was back to my camp he pulled out a very big blanket that is very mush made for a Lynel. He lay down on the grown before he put the blanket over himself but he left a opening, "Come here little Gerudo. It gets very cold here by the cliffside and I believe that's good for any women who is with child."

     He must be very kind-hearted to let me into his blanket to help keep me warm. I took this time to tell him my name and asked for his in return, "I have yet to tell you my name. It's Zella. What is you're name, dear Silver Lynel?" He told me that Lynel's are not known to have names as they are called by the color of their mane. "But if you must have a name then call me Hunter."

     We talked for a good bit before he got up saying he will get the food for the night. After he had left I just couldn't stop myself from thinking about how it would be to have him as a father figure for my kids. To see him with my kids on his back or them leaning how to hunt from him. Or me with him as we watch my kids grow up.

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