Chapter 11: Who Knew That One Can Miss The Sea So Mush?

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[I found this as I was looking for a song for the last chapter.]

POV: Zella

     The next day I made sure to have all my stuff together before having some breakfast. Ones I was back onto the road with Shadow going to the next stable for the night. I took out my map to see where the next one was before seeing that Tabantha Bridge Stable is the next one. This road with take me there and passed the Tabantha Tower before I get there. I looked to the sky to see that it was just now 6:00 am so I should be there before the end of the day I hope.

     When I was on my way to the stable I had seen a few people but not as mush as when I was going to Castle Town or when leaving my home. It was very nice to be on the road again after some time thought. I had to go up a hill before going over a little bridge passing by the Strock Lake which gave me a good view of the Tanagar Canyon Course. It was from here that I was also able to see the tower so I took out my map to see what was near by. It seem that there is a Great Fairy Fountain up a mountain called Piper Ridge.

     Just as I made it to the Tabantha Great Bridge I see some wolfs something this way from my left. So I had Shadow run to the other side of the bridge before they could see me. Ones I was on the other side I looked to the sky to see that it was 3:45 pm so I had time to look around for something to eat for dinner. It didn't take too long as I found a apple tree and someone was willing to sell me some meat they had. So I had a early dinner before asking the owner of the stable if it was ok for me to sing here.

     After I was able to get permission to sing from the owner, Dabi, I song for a few hours before going to write in my book. There wasn't a lot to write about for the day so I just put what I had seen that day and my thoughts about the future with my littles. What life will be like and how they will grow up by my side. To see them running up to me calling me 'Mama'. Ones I was done for the night I want to sleep dreaming of the day I get to hold them in my arms for the first time.

~ The Next Day ~

     When I got up for the day the first thing that came to my mind was that I hadn't had any food cravings yet. Maybe the cravings will show up after I eat something for the first time? Oh, well I will deal with it when that happens for now I need to get some light breakfast. As I was eating the kids who was here would come by asking about my journey and where I have been to so far.

     Before I knew it it was time for me to get going so I told the owner that I was going off now as I got my stuff. As I got onto Shadow's back I see that it was 8:20 am, I must have been talking to the kids longer than I had thought. I looked at my map to see where I'll need to go to get to the next stable on my journey. Just I was done looking at the map I started to smell rain coming so I got on my way.

     As I was passing by Hyrule Ridge going to the Sanidin Park I see a Wood Pigeon fly over me. I looked off to my left to see the Hyrule Castle far away from me. Just as I was getting to my turn off on the road I see a few blue-winged heron. I was able to get one of them so now I'll have dinner for tonight! I looked to the sky after getting the heron to see that it was lunch time and I can't go with out it for two days in a row. I am happy that I still have some food on me so I just eat that for now.

     After I was done with lunch it started to rain a bit so I got back onto Shadow's back and had him run so we can get out of the rain. By the time the rain had stop we had just gotten to the Sanidin Park. Sadly I was not able to find a place to get out of the rain in time so now both me and Shadow needs to dry off. Luckily for us the stable it's far from here but I had wanted to let Shadow run around when we got here.

     Now that we are wet I can't let them do so. I looked to the sky to see that it was 3:10 pm as we left the park. Maybe another time I'll let him run around here with my kids. When I got to the hill going down to the Manhala Bridge I had to slow Shadow down so that he don't get hurt. Ones I had started to go over the bridge I had seen that the Coliseum was in view now. If I remember right I had stop here at this stable for a bit when I had started this journey.

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