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Ren woke up, happier and more excited than usual. He got up with a smile and stretched reaching for his phone at the side of his bed. He checked the time to see that it was at least 15 minutes before he had to actually get up. He turned off his alarm and went to his contacts. He saw Takumi's phone number and decided he would change it. Usually, he would change it to their regular names, but since he was, well, more special, Ren put his name with a heart next to it. He giggled at the small adjustment and proceeded to get ready for school. He thought he might go early to see if Takumi wanted to walk with him.

Ren texted Takumi before heading out the door to his house. 'Hey, mind walking to school together?' Ren texted the younger male. To his surprise, he was responded too. 'I don't mind. I'll be out in a little.' He replied. Ren smiled at himself as he walked to Takumi's house. When he arrived, he saw Takumi just closing the door behind him. Ren smiled and waited for Takumi to come to the sidewalk by his side. They both started off for school walking together. It was kinda silent, but Ren didn't mind. He was pleased just to have Takumi in his presence.

"Have you done any other choreographies?" Takumi broke the silence. Ren looked at him and nodded. "M-mind showing me?" Takumi stuttered a bit, a little embarrassed to ask him. Ren brighten his expression even more. "Of course! After school we have vocal practice, so after that I can go over the previous choreographies." Ren told him. Takumi put on a light smile. "Oi! Ren! I thought we were gonna walk together like always?" Ren heard his name from in front of him. It was Junki and Keigo, looking a little mad. They were almost at the school so Ren took Takumi's wrist into his hand and sprinted into the gates, only to be followed by Junki and Keigo.

Ren was laughing the whole way in. He went to his shoe locker and stopped to catch his breathe. Takumi didn't looked very out of breathe since he had been very athletic and was used to conditioning and stuff. "That was fun." Ren said letting out a few more laughs after catching his breathe. Takumi chuckled a bit too. Junki and Keigo had finally caught up to them. They were both extremely fast so it wasn't a surprise. Junki and Keigo pouted at him a bit, but quickly changed their expression into a smug look when they saw Ren holding Takumi.

"Well, if this is what you do instead of walking with us, I guess we'll tolerate it." Junki said with a smirk, glancing at their connected hands. Ren's hand slipped into Takumi's hand when they sweated a little. Ren gave them a confused look before following his eyes to his hand. Ren's face was flushed as he quickly took his hand out of Takumi's. "I'm so sorry!" He said with a slight bow. Takumi waved his hands in the air. "I-it's totally fine." Takumi said, pink tinting his face. Junki and Keigo snickered as all four of them changed their shoes. They went to their first class, history, which Keigo and Junki hadn't been in.

Ren and Takumi walked together in silence. "S-sorry about earlier..." Ren apologized to him one last time. Takumi gave him a nervous smile. "I-it's really nothing! I don't mind it at all." Takumi said. They entered the class of history and went to their seats. Sho, coming in and placing his stuff on the desk and went straight to Ren. "Why'd you stay later than normal? I texted you!" Sho said, sounding a little irritated but worried. Ren looked up at him and scratched the back of his head. "Sorry. I had... some stuff to take care of." He lied.

Sho gave him a suspicious look and sighed. "Can you please turn on your notifications then?" Sho asked of him. "On it." Ren said, pulling out his phone and turning on his notifications to see that he had muted everyone except Takumi. "Oh..." He said, placing his phone down slowly after turning on the notifications. "And what's that about?" Sho said, furrowing his eyebrows a bit mad. "I.. uh... didn't want any interruptions?" He said questioning his own words. "Then I would think you would turn off Takumi's notifications too?" Sho said with a slight smirk. "Didn't expect you to already have his number." Sho teased.

"Go sit down. The teachers coming." Ren blushed and faced forward, getting his notes out. Sho chuckled at the younger and went to his seat. Class had began and it was boring Ren with every minute. The 2 other classes after that, ended very lamely, but it was a ticket to go to lunch. Ren sat with is 9 friends and ate his lunch. He saw Shion and Syoya, mainly Syoya, stuffing their face. When he saw Takumi searching for a place to sit, since he usually went to a nearby cafe which had moved locations, he waved his hand up to get his attention. Takumi, relieved, went to go sit with the others.

"Thanks for letting me sit here." Takumi said with a smile. "It's no problem. You can sit here whenever." Ren assured him. The whole table had stopped what they were doing and glanced at Ren and Takumi, who were talking about some after school plans. "After school? Sounds sketchy..." Sukai whispered to Shosei, who nodded. "Wonder what their doing after school." Keigo said with a smirk. "I totally ship it." Shion said to Syoya. "Definetly. It'll sail in no time." Syoya responded. Mame and Ruki watched in curiosity, trying to hear what they had planned for after school. Sho shot all of them a stare and put his index finger to his mouth, signaling for them to hush.

Ren and Takumi talked the whole time, not even bothering to see the other members murmuring behind them. After the bell rang, interrupting them and their chattering, Ren and Takumi ventured to their next class together. It was boring. Ren blew some of his silver hair out of his face as the teacher wrote down notes for the big  test Monday. Ren sighed and continued taking notes. He heard the bell ring. '2 more classes Kawashiri. 2 more.' He said to himself, trying to contain his patience till he could be with Takumi.

After ELA class, he and Takumi went to science together. The last class of the day. He got everything done, but it was quite hard for him to focus, so he hoped that the papers weren't graded on accuracy. Ren packed his bags and waited for Takumi outside the room. Ren had noticed some of his classmates eyeing and snickering behind Takumi. Ren narrowed his eyes at it, but only ignored it. Ren showed Takumi to where the vocal studio was and saw all the members in there. Takumi pulled the paperwork out of his school bag and handed it to Junki, and handing it to Syoya early before practice actually started for over the weekend.

Everyone stretched before starting their vocal practice. Junki ordered that Mame should go first. Takumi leaned over to Ren and whispered, "What song are we doing?" Takumi asked. Ren shot him a smile. "Were doing a song called, 'Kimi No Koe' aka, 'Voice'. It was a song we did a little while ago so we wanted to re-do it." Junki asked that Ren go up next. Ren left and headed into the small room where the microphone was. He placed the headphones over his head and on his ears. He started to sing. Takumi looked up at him when he heard his nice high-pitched voice. His ears were blessed to hear such things.

His ears were mesmerized by his voice. When he was done, the voice still ringed inside his ears. 'How beautiful.' Takumi thought to himself. He was still repeating the song in his head, he didn't realize that Ren had been talking to him. "Takumi?" He said with a worried look on his face. Takumi jolted a bit and looked at Ren. "You're up." He said with a smile. "R-right." Takumi got up and ventured to the room. Junki pressed the button to talk to Takumi. "Have you sung before?" Junki asked. "A-a little." Takumi responded a little nervous.

"Whenever you're ready. Ren marked your lines in pink highlighter." Junki told him. Takumi skimmed the paper and looked for the pink highlighter, which wasn't hard to find. With that, Takumi flashed a thumbs up to Junki, signing to him that he was ready. Takumi began singing with his voice. He was expressing himself while doing it with an angelic voice. Everyone looked up at him with wide eyes and agaped mouths. They weren't expecting that from Takumi. When Takumi was done, he stepped out of the room to be met with everyone's gaze upon him.

He looked at them nervous and quickly approached his seat with a blush. Ren gave him a surprised chuckled. "Wow, you have a beautiful voice!" Ren exclaimed. Takumi shook his head with his hands in front of his chest. "N-not at all. Your voice is amazing." Takumi said. They both chattered in between singing parts and when it was over, they headed to the dance room. The members of the clubs watched as they entered the room, curious. Syoya and Shion stopped to peek inside, only to be caught by Sho. "Don't be nosy." He said as he dragged them away from the door.

Ren heard all the voices outside leave as he stretched with Takumi. "Stretch well, I wanna get through as many dances as possible." Ren said with a smirk. "Right!" Takumi agreed. When they were ready, Ren pulled up some of the videos from the previous choreographies and showed Takumi, who looked carefully at all of them. He went over them a couple of times before setting his phone down and standing next to Takumi. "Well, shall we start?"

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