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Out the door Ren went and went on his journey to Takumi's house. He didn't want it to get to late before he could see him. It was only 7:54, he thought it could be worst. It gets little dangerous if you travel the streets at night at times, so if he stayed out to late, he'd have to risk it or... spend the night with Takumi. When Ren came to his house, he walked towards the door and took a deep breathe before knocking. At first there wasn't an answer, but when he knocked again, he heard a voice shout, "I'm coming!" from inside.

Ren saw the door open and saw Takumi with tear marks on his cheeks. 'Had I hurt him so badly? We haven't even known each other for too long.' Ren thought to himself. He didn't think Takumi would be crying over it. "T-Takumi I-" He was only cut off by Takumi about to shut the door before he put his foot in it. "Takumi! Just let me in." Ren pleaded. Takumi looked up at him, looking a little mean. Ren had to admit, Takumi trying to look mad looked adorable. It made heat rise from his chest to his face, causing a blush to come onto his face.

"What?" Takumi muttered under his breathe, opening the door all the way, but not greeting Ren in. "I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd be this hurt..." Ren said, taking his hand and holding his arm. Takumi sighed and opened the door, allowing him to enter. Ren walked in and removed his shoes. He looked around and saw how nice things looked. It was a nice place for only one person to be living in. Takumi went up stairs without Ren even noticing. Ren was nervous to go up stairs without permission but he went anyways. He looked around and saw some rooms. He looked for the one that might be Takumi's.

"Don't go looking around anywhere." He heard a voice. He turned around to see Takumi pointing to the room behind him and partially inside the room of what looked like a bathroom. He went into Takumi's room and heard as Takumi closed the door to the bathroom. He sat on Takumi bed that was in a corner with a desk that sat next to it. He saw a strawberry plushy in the corner of his bed. He poked it and smiled. 'Cute.' He thought. He looked around to see another hamburger plushy on a shelf along with other plushies. 'He must really like plushies. But where did he get them from?' Ren questioned.

Ren look on his desk and saw a small cat pencil holder. He moved closer too get a closer look. He saw some paper on there, skimming it and seeing it had been the notes from today. He saw all the notes he took. They were neat. When Ren lifted his hand off his bed pillow, he felt his hand was smoother from a wetness. Ren frowned as he touched the smooth part of his hand, knowing it was Takumi's tears. 'We've only known each other for a week. Why does he want to be so close to me?' Ren questioned. But then again, could he really be any different. 'Kinda feels like we're already dating though...' He thought. I mean, thinking of how Takumi cried just because Ren didn't want to spend time with him, it sounded cringy if you thought they weren't dating.

He wanted to spend every second with Takumi, so why'd he turn him down this time? He didn't know. Ren started to wonder what was taking him so long. At first he thought of going and knocking, but then he thought Takumi might still be mad. Hesitantly, Ren got up and went to the bathroom door, raising his hand up about to knock. He gulped as his hand moved onto the door. He heard shuffling inside and wet footsteps in the bathtub. "T-Takumi?" Ren asked hesitantly. He heard the knob turn and the door open. It was Takumi who's body was blowing off steam from the hot shower he took.

He had a towel on his waist and one covering his chest. Ren blushed at the site of him, thinking what could be under those towels. Takumi peeked through the crack in the door and blushed. "R-Ren-kun..." He started. He sighed as he was reluctant to ask what he was about to ask, but he brung himself said it anyways. "D-do you mind going into my drawer and... getting me a shirt." Takumi said quietly and shyly. Ren snapped out of his thoughts about Takumi and quickly grabbed him his shirt. "T-thanks..." Takumi muttered under his breathe.

Ren smiled nervously and went to go sit back on the bed. After a short while, Takumi came out of the bathroom, looking rather hot, Ren not knowing if it was from the shower or the shirt incident. Takumi came and sat on his chair and rolled around. Takumi put his previous notes away and took out his most recent ones. He went to go get Ren a chair from down stairs, another rolly one preferably. He carried it up the steps and into his room, shutting the door in the process. He went and sat back in his chair, looking over the notes with Ren close by his side.

"Hey, can I ask something?" Ren said, looking up from the notes. Takumi only hummed in response, not looking up from the notes. "Where'd you get all these plushies from." Takumi froze for a second. Ren gulped and bit his lip, mentally scolding himself from the question. "Oh! You don't have to answer. Sorry if it's too personal." Ren said, looking back at the notes. "No, it's fine." Takumi told him and looked up. "I got them from some girls from my old school.. I didn't like them back, but I only kept one because I actually had feelings for her..." Takumi said.

Of course, Takumi was handsome and cute. He was probably easy to tease as well. He looked at the gigantic strawberry plushy on his bed. Ren's expression saddened as he heard his last words. "I didn't want to hurt their feelings so I tried to give it back, but they didn't want it back. The girl I had feelings for... we broke up after she found out I was moving. We both a knew a long distance relationship wouldn't work." Takumi said, twirling his pencil on his hand. "Right.." Ren's voice sounded low. He looked at the notes and took a picture of them.

After about an hour or 2, Ren decided to leave. The rest of those hours, he felt was a waste. He planned to do something special other than study but nothing else happened. He left and headed to his house, his head hung low. The smell of Takumi filled his nostrils from his clothes, but he thought about the girl who felt the same way. Ren thought about it the whole way home. He plopped on his bed when he got home and felt miserable. 'This is what I get for falling in love...'

You're The One (KawaKawa/RenKumi)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora