Chapter 1: Scp world

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2007 of August 7
Scp 990 or The Dream man appeared in the dream of a foundation personnel
Saying a rather interesting future has arrived. A prophecy. Drastically different from his other visit. On that day another entity will appear on earth. And The metaphor used ' A Double sided sword ' Is what the prophecy was understood as.

On another point. Meet Astarian. Our Main Character.

While Astarian was walking excitedly. She slipped in a black hole and fell to this anomaly ridden world.

Ast: "Woah! Where this place? It's so green!"

Astarian Wandered along this forest she ended up on. On the way. She met many animals all of various kinds. Poisonous and non poisonous herbs and plants. Because of her clumsy but extremely active personality. She fought a tiger. Lion. Bear( All types). While continuously wondering what they were doing here even though they all have different habitat's. Nonetheless. She had a one sided win.

A few moments later. After killing the last bear's. She encountered signs of humans. As there was a bus stop.

Astarian: I mean if this wasn't built by humans. Who built it?
She looked up. And imagined bear's building this bus stop. Now that you think about it. A lot of bear's were slaughtered on her way here. Could be plausible.


The voice shakened her imagination. So she looked at the direction of the voice. A human of about 6 or 7 girl with black hair and eyes. With a very angry but fearful look.

"What are those! "

Those she talks about are the two jester mask floating above her. Ruby red and Violet colored. Both emitting strange light.

Astarian: "Oh these are my-"
('Now how do I get out of here. This is not normal at all'. Is what she thought)

"AAAaaahhh AanN SsscCppP!!!"

( "Oh I'm done" )
( "Wait. Scp?" )

She was in deep thought. Could it be that scp foundation that she was a fan of? So is this the world of scp's?

" Well doesn't matter anyways. "

The girl decided to not think about it. Because it's causes migraines to her.



A girl can be heard crying. Closer and closer. To the old man's house.

" Grandpa! Grandpa! Grandpa! "

The old man went to his crying granddaughter. And tried to calm down her.

" Grandpa! I saw an Monster coming out of the forest! "

The man was shocked

" Dear. Could you elaborate more on the entity?"
" it was a person with two jester mask floating around her. "

The man didn't find it similar to scp records he'd seen. This man was infact a former level 3 clearance foundation personnel. Before he retired. So if he didn't know which scp it is meaning it is an scp only accessed by level 4 higher clearance. In addition. The entity would be violent or does harm.

( But why did my granddaughter come back unharmed? )

There are 3 possibilities
1. Granddaughter might be lying. ( Very impossible as my granddaughter seems to not be acting and genuinely scared.)
2. The entity did not feel it. ( Unless the entity ate food already. Impossible., )
3. The entity is mistaken as a scp. ( Plausible. My granddaughter is at an age were you imagine ridiculous things. )

The man just shook the thought that there is a monster. Seeing as how the scp foundation personnel hasn't arrived. Meaning possibility 3 is correct.

Unbeknownst to the man. Granddaughter. And everyone. That the SCP foundation is searching for it. Albeit they couldn't detect the presence of her.

Continue on chapter 2
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