Chapter 6: Report

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September 23 2007
The anomaly who is seemingly capable of many things spawned inside the foundation. Whose existence was discovered through video camera footage from the breach. Many researchers believe the reason they visited the site was because they heard a lot of noise coming from here. It is suspected that the anomaly's home is the forest in the right side of the site. Because of that MTF was dispatched at this area where they were believed to be in. None of the MTF's returned the next morning. So they dispatched another.

They came back. With.... The missing soldiers

" Can you tell me what happened? "

" They were asleep. " One soldier responds

" In the middle of the forest?" Concerned researcher

"Yes Ma'am. "

"Could you elaborate the situation at that time?"
"Well.... When we found them they were laying down in the forest's ground. We first believed they were dead however they were breathing. Unconscious and had no bloody injuries on sight. It was like the effect of a sleeping gas thrown into their face.

" So were they only unconscious?"

" Yes. According to the medical staff at the medical bay."

" Thank you for your cooperation."

"No problem"

As the Doctor went out of the room


"What is causing all these ruckus?"

"A member of the MTF woke up!"

"Take me to them!" the doctor said without hesitation


"Hello soldier"

"Ah. Doctor. Hello" replied the startled guard

"How's your condition?"

"If feeling all right doc. Although my mind feels a bit fuzzy."

"Could you explain why?"

" I feel like a bizarre memory had been removed from my memory. I can't quite remember"

"Mhmm." The doctor writes in her notebook. "Tell me the things you do remember"

"I remember entering the forest where the foundation suspects where the anomaly is. We went through. For about a couple miles in. The captain said for us to stay alert and report if we sense a presence or movement in the forest. A few minutes later. We heard a noise something about someone talking. We realized that whoever that was talking was not us. And then thats where my memories cut off. And i end up here in the medical bay."

"Excellent. Get some sleep soldier and thank you for your cooperation."


"Dr. Andrea on duty" Exclaimed by the doctor herself

"Yes good morning Dr Andrea. How's the report going?"

" Sir. It seems it has been confirmed that there is an anomaly residing in the forest. Although not confirmed to be the one from the breach but they are believed to be them. Also from the data I gathered from the foundation personnel I've interviewed it seems our anomaly here has mind erasing and instant sleep ability. Seeing as though the personnel couldn't remember the scene after hearing someone that was not them talking."

"Amazing job Dr Andrea. Land the report on the desk over there. And you can go ahead to the cafeteria for breakfast. Well then see you later. Dr Andrea."

" You too sir"


"Haaahh. They were really easy. It makes me wonder how they contained many dangerous anomalies. I guess the quantity of the expendable force is enough to capture dozen anomalies." While saying that quote she kept sighing.

As disappointment rushed over her emotions. " Wait" A thought sparked in the corner of her brain."If the foundation already knows of my presence because of the security footage and they want to contain me because of that then my presence and i being an scp could very well change the future!" Took you long enough Astarian.

" I'll have to devise a plan for that to not happen. Meaning i'll have to secretly go in and erase my presence within!" 'Facepalm' I'll have to ask the meaning of this.

Continue in chapter 7 to learn more of the protagonist stupidity and her muscle brained mentality.
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