Chapter 11: Confuscared

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"Hi Doc. How are ya?"

"..." Silence reigned at this situation


"So, you must be the scp that the doctor was referring to."

"Yup! Scp 707 is me. Who might you be?"

'Naturally, I already know who they are, but I'm taking this precaution to avoid raising any suspicions.'

"Oh, Apologies. I'm Scp 035. Dear."

"Good to meet you." Astarian said, ignoring the final word of the statement.

Where the plague doctor was seated, Astarian cast a quick glance in his direction. "Anyway. Is there a reason, Doc, that you came to my humble abode? "Said with a bemused expression.

His spine tingled at that very moment. It appeared as though he would lose memory of everything if he did not say something noteworthy.

Because 035 has a deep understanding of emotions. They could tell the plauge doctor was afraid of them.

They then recalled what 049 had stated when they opened the scp metal door, "And I'm pretty terrified of them."

"Oh My Scp 707! The dear doctor has grown quite attached to you since the last interview."

"Is that true? Doc. You could have told me that. " 'That's a lie for sure.' Our protagonist wasn't just who you thought she was. She is aware of psychological states. She could tell that 049 was afraid of her because of his slow trembling, which was difficult to see if you weren't paying close attention.

'But why did he seem to fear me? I did nothing inappropriate. Did I not?'

"Of course. I wish to talk more your lack of pestilence."

'There he goes again....' The two. 707 and 035 thought in unison

"Sure. To begin with what is the pestilence you speak of Doc?" Astarian acted confused and curious.

"Scp 707 the pestilence has infected most of humanity. There are only a few people still not infected. Most of them are foundation personnel. The pestilence's cure is up to me for I AM THE CURE."

'I don't know why that was highlighted for me. Almost like I'm in a book.... It's so iconic.'

"Regarding your absence of the plague." The booming intercom interrupted him as he said, "Scp 70-."

" 173 and 096 have been contained once more. "

"The arrival and re-containment of them took a few days," according to Scp 035.

a few seconds have passed. Six mtf personnel entered the containment chamber of Scp 707. asking the two oldies to submit and be restrained. However, She is aware that they will never yield without a battle. Chaos erupted outside Astarian's room as a result.

All it took was three minutes.

Shots were fired. The mtf screams played like a broken symphony. As a black substance melted their skin and pierced their bodies with a tendril and numerous other tendrils. Their bones simply cracked as a result of the pressure. Giving them a slow painful death. in contrast. He who provided them with a peaceful death using his death touch. He proceeded to operate on them, Following that. They mutated into mindless zombies, only attacking vital targets.

Their task appears to have been completed.

They then became aware of something. Scp 707 was inside, sitting in the same position they had seen before. Except she was.... Focusing at them....

035, who was perceptive to emotions. Noticed how content she appeared....? By what? The atmosphere at that event was perplexing.

Scp 707 sensed the atmosphere and attempted to clear it. "Please accept my apologies. I was intrigued. So, 035 is your ability? "I'm amazed." 'I could never tell them how happy I was to see the two beat the living dead on those mtf. Although 035 is most likely confused with my expression.'

At this point logic on Astarian's personality doesn't work.

"I see. 707 why don't you join us to a trip down at the foundation." 035 replied

'I didn't leave my chamber under the pretext of not standing out. But... I don't have the reason to decline them. So.' "Of course. I'll follow!" Replied happily.

Astarian head out of her chamber. Following the two oldies on their way in the foundation.

'Besides. I want to meet other scp's.'


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Word count:703

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