Chapter 14:

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"Where are we going?"

He asked while walking through seemingly endless scopes of bodies.

"Well to you it will be called the safe zone." She paused. After a few seconds she said. "To me i like to call it the less gruesome world. Hah! I'm way too edgy."

Dr David was quite confused with 707 statements before quickly complying with the atmosphere.

"Your right. Edgelord." He chuckled

Sweet and mischievous atmosphere.....

"Yo! My father used to say that all the time. Guess you are a boss! Well... unlike you he's powerful. but still. I Approve!"

He rolls his eyes. Seemingly surprised at such a statement. To the foundation While there are scps who have parents. many of them are parentless. They just appeared out of nowhere or have never met their parents.

"You have a father?" His eyes rattling in curiosity.

"?" She paused. "Of course i do! Just that.... The biological one was the epitome of a bad father.... While the spiritual one is the perfect father I could've asked for!"

He was quite confused with 707's answer that led to the natural thirst of knowledge that a scientist must have been riddling his eyes and mind.

Just then the scraping of concrete snapped his line of thought.

"Don't blink." 707 spoke in a tone that sensed danger and awareness.

It was that very thing.

"Scp 173"

Fear engulfed Dr David mind. He had heard of the instant death statue from his colleagues who study it. They only described the statue as menacing. Ready to snap some necks.

"Oh dear goodness...." Dr David's voice cracked at the end out of fear.

"Don't worry I'm here. Doccy!" 707 said cheerfully.

Just then. 707 raised their hand. Performing some kind of incantation that you would see in an anime or manga. Without breaking the line of sight.

A distant but worrying sound came. It sounded like scraping mixed with rumbling of something... Something huge....

A giant steel piece that was at least as thick as his height randomly appeared from the edges of the walls.

Suddenly Dr David knew what 707 was doing.

The friker....

A wall that was formed shut at the face of 173.

A friken steel wall.....

"Now isn't that amazing! I had some doubts at the method but i guess this is how angels shut the mouths of devils!" She glanced over to Dr David still sitting there. Stunned. " I am very sorry for reconstructing your interior along the way. This facility needed it anyway!"


"?" 707 confused 😐


(Dr Andrea Portue's POV)

It's been so long since the breach started. I'm quickly running out of rations. I am with my colleagues. Playing the waiting game.

We don't know why the breach is painfully long  these days. We came up with the theory of the new scp's having some kind of secret anomalous effect to either weaken the mobile task force or to strengthen the anomalies around it.

The results?

We still didn't test the theory. Because of two reasons. One it only happened at the event of a containment breach and second even through many attempts to trace anomalous effects. There was no sign...

Regardless. I'm slowly fading from the light. I can't see..

I kept on having evil and disgusting thoughts to eat my colleagues. I also felt sick. Always having headaches. I also had a unusually high fever that beat my past record of 39°. I kept forgetting things i did just a second ago. I felt i was not myself.

I concluded it to be stress of the situation and the dire need for food but I can't help but think that it has something to do with the guy who stabbed a syringe at me. Saying somethings like. "Goodluck for the cure."


I'm so stupid. The guy probably injected me with some kind of anomalous disease. Goodness. I did not realize such things. I must be getting hazy from the virus.

I looked over to the documents of scp's scattered and checked for the disease section. I hurriedly searched for it with the details of my sickness. I then found it.

Scp 008.

"SCP-008 is a complex prion with 100% lethality and 100% infectiousness ratings. It is a blood-borne prion that transmits through bodily fluids, with no base capability of becoming airborne or waterborne. Flu-like symptoms with high fever, plus severe dementia in later stages. Coma onset approximately 20 hours after first symptoms appear and 12 hours after noticeable dementia. Coma onset will be considered onset of death."

Goodness. Still. It's an anomalous disease. Meaning it is incurable. The only cure is probably scp 500. However. I have no right to take a pill otherwise I'll be demoted to d-class. I don't even know where it is.

It seems I'll just die.

Until something came in like a wrecking ball.

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Continue in chapter 15.
822 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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