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Bad advice #1:

Write a satirical book that points out the flaws of humanity without putting a disclaimer in the beginning, stating that:

This book is not intended to offend anyone. However, if you do get offended in the process of reading my writing, I accept no responsibility. This book is for fun, and I hope to keep it as lighthearted as possible. Ellie takes no responsibility for whether or not you follow the advice in her book. To clarify, she is not responsible for any of the following:

-Irrational decisions

-Injuries, fatal or otherwise

-Any lost or stolen items

-Existential crises

-Being chased after by rabid hamsters

-Psychological trauma

A/N: I hope you all enjoy this book! *Rubs hands together evilly.* This is going to be fun, I can tell! If any of you have suggestions for more chapters, let me know!

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