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Bad advice #24:

Be that person who is very opinionated and has a loud mouth, but really has no clue what he or she is talking about.

Say blanket statements whenever you are watching a movie, like, "HAHAHA, that is soooo CG!" When it simply shows a person jumping. When you see a forest, yell, "That is sooo planted. The trees are all in a straight line!" Even if only three trees are remotely in a line.

If you hear a song that you don't like, like Let it Go, plug your ears, make fart noises, and yell, "I HATE FROZEN, IT'S SO DUMB. IT'S ALL ABOUT LOVE!!!"

If you are in lecture, sit in the very front row, even if it is the seat with the worst visibility. Ask the professor a gazillion questions whilst trying to fool everyone into thinking you know what you are talking about. "Isn't photosynthesis how camera films are developed?"

It is very helpful to hate things, especially harmless little things, for absolutely no reason.

A/N: This happens a lot with Frozen, and I like Frozen. I'm not a fangirl about it, but it is a great movie. It's okay if you don't like it, but here is how most conversations with people who say they hate it go:

Boy: I hate Frozen!

Me: Why?

Boy: It's stupid.

Me: Why?

Boy: It's all about LOVE.

Me: Like all the other Disney movies you like to watch? Like Tangled?

Boy: Derp.

Me: I like Frozen because it isn't the typical movie where you can just go and marry every cute guy that you lay eyes on, or who kisses you while you are dead. I also like it because it shows Christian love within family, not the lustful love that is romanticized in so many other movies. It is sacrificial, like how Anna chose to get chopped by a sword to save her sister (who nearly killed her twice) rather than save herself from death.

Boy: You actually have a point.

*Next time there is a mention of Frozen*

Boy: *screaming* EWWW I HATE IT!!!

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