Psychology Class

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Bad advice #19:

Be that kid and ask strange and worrisome questions to the teacher in your psychology class. Here are some good examples to use as a guide:

Example 1:

Teacher: Animism is the belief little children often have that nonhuman objects are alive... What is it, Ellie?

Ellie (totally not me): When I was younger, I used to talk to a bouncy ball. Is that normal?

Teacher: Um, if you are young, I think that's okay.

Ellie: Whew! Glad I stopped doing that at eight grade!

Example 2:

Teacher: Babies should slowly be weaned off of milk. Start with cereals, and move to strained fruits. What is it, Ellie?

Ellie (still not me): At what age is it appropriate to feed babies a smoothie of spinach, liver, and raw goat brains?


Ellie: My mother. She said it's good for you. It can't hurt... I turned out alright!

Example 3:

Teacher: Risk factors for serious mental illness include genetic factors, environmental stressors, having older parents, being born in winter months.... Ellie? What on earth is the matter?

Ellie (crying): I was born in the winter... *sniff* And my parents are really old!

Teacher: That doesn't mean you are going to get a mental illness!

Ellie: Really? Oh, cool! Um, I have another question...

Teacher (sighing and rolling eyes): What!

Ellie: I was born in November. Does that mean I'm a serial killer?

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