When Quarantine Ends

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Bad advice #34:

When the government finally says the quarantine is over, this means Coronavirus officially doesn't exist anymore.

Since everything will have gone back to normal, that means you should immediately do the following:

- Have massive parties

- Go to restaurants

- Take no precaution

- Throw away your mask

- Stop washing your hands

- Stop using toilet paper

- Lick toilet bowls

If and when the virus infection rates start to spike, it's all the government's fault for allowing you to come out of your homes.

Keep in mind that once quarantine ends, all old people will be forced to come out of their homes and go to restaurants, stop wearing masks, and go right back to living life how they used to. So if your grandmother doesn't want to come out of her home right after quarantine ends, simply call the police and they will drag her out, ensuring that the evil plan of the government to kill all grandmas will go smoothly.

But don't worry... that won't happen because the virus won't exist anymore!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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