The reaping

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The television switched on as I got ready with my design notebook that was already been half full with ideas. The anthem of the Capitol played along with the official sign of the Capitol and a film was played of a train reaching district 1. The sign of district 1 showed and the screen went blank. The eyes of the Capitol were watching in anticipation and Blue wouldn't let them down.

He walked out onto the stage with his pastol blue hair tied into a bun and navy blue suit. Just the style I recommended. Speaking into the microphone he said
"Welcome to the annual 75th Hunger Games!"
A cheer came from fewer then usual. Normally 3/4 of the district 1 population cheered, this time only 1/4 cheered. All scared of loosing their sibling. This is definitely the hardest quarter quell of all 3.

As Blue chatted on about honor and the games, I took a moment to look at the mentors. The siblings, as I expected. Cashmere was looking gorgeous as always. Polite and classy. However, Gloss had an anger in his eye's that betrayed him. Anger and pity. Worry. He couldn't hide it! I guess I should have known. He had to watch his sister in her games right after his, that must have left a mark making this event hurtful. The film played on the screen cutting me of from studying him. Soon the time came for me to see my tributes.

Hope you enjoyed, thank you for reading. Gloss will interact with Crystal in 2 chapters. Sorry for the wait. The romance will arive soon. Thanks, Kia.

The capitals favorite designer! The hunger games fanfic, Gloss x readerWhere stories live. Discover now