New Mission

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---Your POV---

     You woke up slowly, stretching and shifting in your sheets. Your eyes fluttered open. The room was well lit by the late morning sun. You looked at the clock by your bedside table. It was already ten in the morning. You through the covers off of you and got out of bed. It was odd that you were sleeping in so late, Ghost usually had  you up by six. You through a rob over your pajamas and headed out of your bedroom. 

     You found Ghost sitting at the kitchen island drinking a tea. "Good morning sleepy head." He greeted. "Good morning. Why did you let me sleep in so late?" You asked him. He shrugged. "You looked like you needed your rest. You fell asleep pretty early last night too." He said. You sat on the stool next to him. "Yeah, I've just been feeling kind of fatigued lately." You told him. He shrugged. "Maybe your just feeling stressed about our mission tomorrow." He suggested. You shook your head. You were never worried about a mission ever. "I don't think so." You said. 

     "You missed breakfast." Ghost told you. "Do you want me to fix you something?" He asked. You shook your head. "No, I'm not hungry." You told him. The thought of food made you feel queasy. Ghost shifted closer to you, putting the back of his hand on your forehead. You gave a slight laugh. "What are you doing?" You asked him. "Checking to see if you feel warm. Maybe you're coming down with something." He told you. You playfully shoved his hand away. "I think I'll be fine." You told him. "Still, I think you should go to med bay and get checked out before our mission tomorrow." He told you. You rolled your eyes. He always worried too much. "It's not like it matters very much. Our mission is tomorrow, there's no way I'd be able to get out of going." You told him. He gave you a stern look. You sighed. "But if it makes you feel better, I'll go get checked out." You offered. "It would make me feel better." He told you sincerely. You rolled you eyes. "Then let me go get dressed. I don't think they wanna see me in my pajama pants." You told him as you made your way to the bedroom. 

     You got dressed and were putting your shoes on when Ghost approached you. "Do you want me to come with you?" He asked. You shook your head. "Nah, I'll be fine on my own. Besides, don't you have sparring practice with soap? I don't wanna keep you from doing that." You told him as you slipped your shoes on. Ghost put a hand on your shoulder. "You're much more important then sparing practice with Soap." He told you softly. He leaned in and gave you a quick kiss. "But if you'd rather go alone, then I understand." He said. You gave him a quick goodbye hug. "I'll be back soon." You told him. He returned your hug. "Stay safe. I love you." He said. You smiled at him. "Love you too." You said, heading for the door. 

     The good thing about living on a small base is that nothing was too far away. The walk to sick bay was short and you were there in no time. You walked in and went to reception to check in. There was really no one else waiting to be seen so they brought you back to an examination room right away. 

     You sat on the examination table as you waited for your doctor. You sat nervously. The last time you were there, you needed about a dozen stitches so you didn't exactly have fond memories of that place. After a few moments, your doctor walked in. "Sargent (l/n), what brings you in today?" She asked, sanitizing her hands. You shrugged. "Mistry ailment." You told her. "What's been going on?" She asked you, beginning your examination. "Eh, fatigue, head ache, loss of apatite." You told her. "Any chance you could be pregnant?" She asked you. You shook your head. "No. I'm on the pill." You told her. "I see. If you were pregnant, about how long ago do you think conception would have taken place?" She asked, feeling around your belly. You shrugged again. "I couldn't tell you. We are" You told her awkwardly. She gave a little smile. "I see." She said. 

     The doctor stepped away from you and looked at your chart. "Well, from what I can tell, there's nothing wrong with you. Your vitals are all good, no sign of illness. I'd like to run some blood work just to be sure." She said. You nodded as she spoke. She rolled up your sleeve and placed the needle to your vein. "So, the way this works is we'll take a sample, run some tests with it, and give you a call tomorrow if we find anything." She told you. You nodded and looked away. "Alright, go for it." You instructed. 

---Ghost POV---

     Soap and I sparred for a while. I won most of our matches. It was never a fair fight, given how much smaller her was then me, but it never stopped him from giving it his all. After a few rounds of practice, we decided to take a break. 

     We sat next to each other on a nearby bench to rest. "So where's (y/n)?" Soap asked, taking a drink from his water bottle. "What does it matter?" I asked him defensively. He shrugged and rolled his eyes. "It doesn't." He sighed. "I just know that she normally likes to be here. It just seems odd that she's not here." He said. I stayed quiet, not wanting to give out (y/n)'s personal information. "I'll worry about my girlfriend, you just worry about your shitty form." I teased at him. "Wha- it's not that bad." He said defensively. I laughed. 

     Just then, I felt a pair of soft hands cover my eyes. "Guess who?" I heard (y/n)'s heavenly voice ask. I turned around to face her with a smile. "Hey." I greeted sweetly to her. "How'd it go?" I asked. She gave a little shrug. "Doctor couldn't find anything wrong with me." She said. "So I was right then, just your nerves. You know, you should probably listen to me more often." I teased. She shoved me playfully. "I did listen to you. You're the one who told me to get checked out." She said. "Yeah, yeah." I said standing up. "Now if you excuse me, I have sparring practice." I told her. She rolled her eyes playfully. "Yeah okay. Fuck him up for me, will ya Johnny?" She called to Soap. He balled his fists and took a fighting stance. "Oh, with pleasure." He said. 

     We sparred on for a while longer, this time being cheered on by (y/n). It was nice to hear her cheer me on but it was even better to know that she was okay. I don't know what I would do with myself if something happened to her. 

Opposing Forces (Soap x Reader x Ghost)Where stories live. Discover now