Never Been Happier

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---Soap POV---

     I laid in bed half awake as (y/n) groggily returned to the bedroom after caring for the baby. She crawled back into bed and laid on my chest. I rapped my arms around her and she fell asleep instantly. The poor lass was so exhausted. I'm not going to lie, these past several months have been hard. I can't remember the last time I had a full nights rest. 

     As I drifted into sleep, I played with (y/n)'s hair and rubbed her back gently. I find it soothing to me and I know how much she likes it as well. I was almost fully asleep when I heard the baby cry again. I jolted awake. (y/n) groaned and began to get up. I sat up and placed a hand on her shoulder and spoke softly to her. "Hey, no no, shh. Go back to bed, I've got this." I told her. She gave a weary nod and laid back down, snuggling into the pillows. I took just a second to admire her before moving to the other room. Oh how I love her. 

     I got into the nursery and switched on the dim lamp. I made my way over to the fussing child and scooped him up into my arms. "Hey now, what's wrong?" I asked softly. He stopped crying and looked up at me calmly. I sighed. "What? Just lonely then?" I asked. I looked at the clock. It was almost five in the morning, I may as well start my day. 

     I took the little one into the kitchen and set him down into his rocker as I put together a breakfast for me and (y/n). I set everything up, ready for (y/n) when ever she got up. I wanted to let her sleep in, she had been working so hard lately. I made the baby a bottle and fed him his breakfast as i patiently waited for (y/n).

     She came into the kitchen about an hour later. I gave her soft smile. "Good morning' darlin'" I told her in a soft voice. She sat down in the chair beside me, still half asleep. I smiled at her, assuming she didn't hear me. I set the baby down in his rocker and kissed (y/n) on the top of her head. I placed my hands on her shoulders gently as i spoke softly into her ear. "Baby's fed, go ahead and eat your breakfast darlin. I'm gonna grab a quick five minute shower." She nodded slowly and picked up her fork to eat her breakfast. I smiled at her as i made my way to the shower.

     I came back from my shower to see (y/n) looking more awake, holding the baby. She smiled at me as she saw me and I smiled back. "glad to see you looking awake." I told her. I kissed her cheek and ruffled the little one's thin hair gently. I took my seat next to her, placing a hand on her thigh. "I go back to work for Price today, are you going to be okay here alone?" I asked her genuinely, looking deeply into her eyes. I was worried leaving them here alone. I tried to hide it but I think it came through in my voice. She smiled softly at me with a nod. "I'll be fine." She said. I leaned in closer to her. "Are you sure, because I can cancel sparing with Ghost this morning to spend a little bit more time here." I said. She laughed softly at me. "Johnny, we're fine. Go. You deserve to get out and spar a little." She told me. I smiled softly at her, my fave still a little worried. "Okay. I love you." I told her. I got up from my seat and kissed her temple. I ran my thumb gently along the baby's cheek. "I'll miss you two." (y/n) smiled. "We'll miss you too. Now go, you're gonna be late. I love you." She told me. "Okay, okay. Goodbye." I told her, giving her one last kiss one her lips. 

---Ghost POV---

     I waited for johnny to show up for our sparing practice. The morning was crisp and the sun was just rising over the hills. Soap walked up and greeted me with a wave. I looked at my watch. "You're late." I told him. He smiled innocently and shrugged. "I had a hard time saying goodbye." He told me. The poor lad looked exhausted. He had dark circles under his eyes and he didn't look very focused. "Don't worry about it. You look like shit mate." I told him. He gave a tired looking smile and put a hand on the back of his neck. "Yeah...the baby isn't in the habit of sleeping through the night yet." He said. 

     He sighed. "I try to help (y/n) out as much as I can's hard." He said in an exhausted tone. I chuckled at him. "You must be miserable." I told him. He smiled to himself with a soft expression. "You'd think that but no. No actually I've never been happier." He said. He looked happily into the sunrise, looking at peace. I stayed quiet, letting him be to himself. 

     He turned to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Actually, would you want to baby sit for us at the end of the month?" He asked. I was taken by surprise when he asked. I had been visiting every now and then but only with the both of them present. "I-...sure yeah. Of coarse." I told him. He smiled at me. "Thanks man, I really appreciate it." He said. 

      I was nervous and excited to spend more time with my son. Even with Soap looking as exhausted and miserable as he did, I still felt jealous that he was living the life that I so desperately wanted. Still, I had no one to blame but myself. I take what I can get and right now that's baby sitting for a weekend. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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