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---Soap POV---

     I sat in that waiting room for what seemed like an eternity. Ghost eventually came back with Gaz and they rejoined Price and I. Gaz handed me a coffee in one of those shitty infirmary to go cups. I shook my head, dismissing his offer. He persisted as he shoved the cup towards me. "You should drink it. It's been a while since you've had any rest. You'll need your energy." He told me. I once again shook my head at him. "I'm fine." I told him. "Just drink it." He said, shoving it into my hand. I sighed as I took the cup. I took a drink of the barely warm mediocre coffee. 

     I tapped my foot anxiously on the floor as I waited for a doctor, a nurse, anybody to to me anything. Just then, a doctor walked down the corridor. I stood as he approached me. "What's going on?" I asked him as calmly as I could. He took a long inhale before speaking. "(y/n) is still unstable. Her BP is dangerously low, it's uncertain whether or not she'll make it." He said. His words cut through me like a knife. I let out a sharp breath as I wobbled on my feet. Price stood from beside me. He put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "What about the kid?" He asked. The doctor nodded. "He's stable. If you'd like, we can prep the room for you to see him." He suggested. I nodded, my eyes lighting up with hope. "Yes, I'd like that." I told him. 

     The doctor left and a nurse approached me with a surgical mask. "Here. Because he's on such a fragile sate, we're just trying to limit any exposure." He told me, handing me the mask. I nodded and put the mask on. Ghost stood from his seat. "Can I go in as well?" He asked. The nurse shook his head. "We're limiting his exposure to just one person, at least for tonight." The nurse said. Ghost's eyes fell. Even from behind his mask, he looked disappointed. 

     I finished adjusting my surgical mask as the nurse led me back to the room. He pushed open the door, reveling a small room with an incubator and a comfy looking char sitting next to it. I approached the incubator to see the tiny newborn. He wore a small ventilator mask and had IV's sticking out of his little arms. I guess my face dawned a worried expression because the nurse spoke up. "We're just taking some extra precautions. There's nothing to worry about." He told me. I nodded but stayed quiet. The nurse cleared his throat. "Well then, I'll leave you two alone." He said, leaving the room. 

     For several moments, I just stared down at the incubator, not knowing what to say or do or feel. I moved to the chair and sat down. "Hey." I greeted softly to the sleeping boy. I smiled softly to myself as I stuck hand into the incubator next to him. "My name's Soap- or Johnny- or I guess you could call me dad, but you don't have to cause I know things are gonna be complicated for you." I rambled out nervously. I felt as a tiny hand wrapped around my index finger. My smile grew as my eyes misted over. "You're going to be alright kid." I told him. I sat back into the chair and for the first time all night, I felt myself relax. 

---Your POV---

     You opened your heavy eyes as you slowly began to regain consciousness. You groaned as a pain filled your abdomen. "Soap? Soap!" You called out. You looked around the room feeling dizzy and disoriented. You groaned in pain as you began to sit up. A nurse quickly rushed to your side and placed a hand on your shoulder, gently pushing you back down to your bed. "Take it easy honey, you've lost a lot of blood." She told you gently. "Where's Soap?" You asked her. "What?" She asked in return. You gathered your foggy thoughts. "Soap. My partner. John MacTavish. Where is he?" You asked. The nurse signaled to one of her co workers who quickly left the room to go find Soap. The nurse took your hand in hers. "We're gonna go get him for you but I need you to try to relax, okay. Your body's been through a lot." She told you. You settled into your pillow as you drifted in and out of consciousness. 

     You were snapped back to attention as your room door flew open. Your eyes focused on Soap, who took a huge sigh of relief as soon as he saw you. You smiled weakly as he came rushing to your bedside. He scooped you up in a firm yet gently hug. You raised your arms and hugged him back with what little energy you had left. He pulled away and stared at your face with a sweet smile, his eyes misty. "What?" You asked him. He sighed. "I thought I lost you today." He admitted. He planted a kiss on your lips and pressed his forehead against yours. "I love you so much. I don't ever wanna loose you." He told you. You smiled back at him. "I love you too." You told him wholeheartedly. 

     You turned your attention away from Soap as you looked around your room. "Where's my baby?" You asked him. He smiled. "He's just in the other room. He's doing really good." He told you. You smiled back at him. "Can I see him?" You asked. Soap turned to a nurse who shook her head a 'no'. He nodded in acknowledgment. He turned his attention back to you. "He's sleeping, and you should be getting some rest too." He told you. You nodded tiredly. "Yeah, I guess so." You agreed. 

     Soap climbed into you hospital bed with you. You snuggled against him, resting your head on his chest. Your eyelids drooped as you listened to the relaxing sound of his heart beat. He played with your hair calmingly as he planted a gentle kiss on your temple. "Get some sleep darlin. I'll keep an eye on you ansd the baby." He assured you as you gently drifted off to sleep. 

Opposing Forces (Soap x Reader x Ghost)Where stories live. Discover now