Labor Part 2

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---Soap POV---

     We got to the medics as quickly as I could drive us there. We were escorted to (y/n)'s room immediately. As soon as I made it through the door, I rushed to her side. I took her hand in mine and spoke softly to her. "Hey darlin'." I said, happy and relieved to see her. She smiled back at me weakly. She looked exhausted, she was drenched in sweat and pale in color. I tried to hide it as best as I could, but I felt worried for her. 

     (y/n)'s doctor approached me. "We only allow one extra person in the room at a time." She told me. I nodded. I looked over my shoulder to Price and Ghost. "Get out." I told them Price took a couple of hesitant steps toward the door but Ghost didn't move. "Get out." I said again in a more assertive tone. Price grabbed Ghost's arm and helped him out. I turned back to the doctor now that they were gone. She took a long inhale before speaking. "There have been a lot of complications. We're doing everything we can." She told me. I stayed quiet as worry flooded over me. "The good news is, we're almost done here. The bad news is this is going to be the hardest part." She told me. "What do you want me to do?" I asked her. "Just try to comfort her." She told me as she went back to working. 

     I turned my attention back to (y/n). "How are you feeling darlin'?" I asked her. She winced. "I'm so tired, and it hurts so bad." She said behind gritted teeth. "I know. I'm sorry, but you've got to push through. You're almost there." I told her. She sneezed my hand tight as she cried out in pain. I pressed my forehead against hers as I gently grazed my thumb across my knuckles. She choked out a sob as tears streamed down her face. I kissed her softly on the temple. I gazed down at her. I never wanted to see her in this much pain ever. I felt even worse knowing that there was nothing I could do. 

     After several long moments of hard labor from (y/n)'s part, the nurses eyes finally lit up. "That's it. It's a boy." One of them exclaimed. They're faces immediately dropped as the room filled with a deafening silence. "What's wrong? Why isn't he crying?" (y/n) panted out. None of the nurses answered as they rushed around urgently. "What's wrong with him?" She asked again, sounding more panicked. I was about to reassure her when her face drained pale and her eyes rolled back. "(y/n)?" I asked as I gently shook her shoulder. I got no response. My attention turned as I heard the sound of her blood hitting the floor. "She's hemorrhaging. Get him out of here." The doctor ordered, blood pooling at her feet. "No! Please let me stay." I begged, taking (y/n)'s hand back into mine. Despite my protests, a pair of nurses practically shoved me out of the room. They locked the door behind them as they rushed back into the room. I was left standing there alone and shocked. 

     "Soap? What's going on?" I heard Price ask from behind me as he approached with Ghost. I turned to face them. I could barely look them in the eyes. It took everything inside me to not break down in tears right then and there. "It's (y/n). She was all pale and she was bleeding and the doctors just shoved me to get out. I don't know what's going on." I told them in a shaky tone, hardly managing to speak. "How's the baby?" Ghost asked from beside me. I felt my heart sink. I shook my head weekly. "He wasn't crying." I said softly, again just barely managing to speak. "He?" Ghost asked. I gave him a look. How could he even be caught up on something like that at a time like this? "Yes, but he could die, and so could (y/n)." I told him. 

     I straightened my posture and took a step towards Ghost. I shoved him back hard. "And you did this to her." I said as he stumbled back. "Soap!" Price yelled at me. He put an arm in front of me, holding me back. "You did this to her! You did this to her and then you just ran away! Like a coward!" I yelled at him. I shoved Price's arm away and took a few more steps toward Ghost. I pointed a finger at him. "If (y/n) doesn't make it out of this, if she dies, I will never forgive you." I told him. 

     Price once again stepped between us. "Ghost, why don't you go find Gaz." He suggested. Ghost did as he was told and turned and left without a word. Price turned to me with disappointment in his eyes. "What the fuck has gotten into you?" He asked me. I clenched my teeth. "My girlfriend is bleeding out, her baby isn't breathing and I don't know what to do." I told him honestly. I let my back hit the wall and I slid down. I sat on the floor, feeling defeated. I choked back a sob as I still tried to hold everything back. "Oh son." Price said as he sat next to me. "What do I do if one of them doesn't come out of that room?" I asked him in a shaky voice. He didn't answer. "(y/n) is my whole world, my everything. I love her more than anything, more than I love myself. I don't know what I would do without her." I said. Price's eyes looked worried as he stared into me. He put an arm around my shoulders and gave me a reassuring squeeze. "Everything's going to be okay." He assured me. I shook my head. "I hope so, because I can't live with myself if its not." I told him. 

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