Meeting With Price

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---Your POV---

     You woke up, hearing the sound of pots and pans clanging from the kitchen. You got up to check it out. You saw Soap in the kitchen, cooking up breakfast. He noticed you and greeted you with a smile. "Oh, your up." He said, surprised to see you. You laughed as you looked around the messy kitchen. "What's all this?" You asked. Soap shrugged with a grin. "What kind of a host would I be if I didn't serve breakfast to my dear guest." He responded. 

     He walked over to the kitchen table and pulled out a chair for you. "Here, sit down. I'll pour you a coffee." He said. You gave a little laugh. "I can't have coffee." You said, sitting down. "What?" Soap asked as if you had just slapped his mother. You gave a little shrug. "Not unless you have decaf." You told him. He sighed. "Orange juice it is then." He said. 

     Soap continued to cook. He wasn't an experienced chef but you could tell he was trying his best. He grabbed a couple of eggs from the carton and cracked them into the pan. "How do you want your eggs? Over easy?" He suggested. You shook your head. "I can't have over easy." You told him. "Right, um, how about scrambled?" He asked. You chuckled at him. "Sounds perfect." You said.

     When he was done cooking he set a plate down in front of you. It looked great, just how you would imagine a perfect breakfast would look. You smiled at him as he sat across from you. "So, how did you sleep?" He asked you. "I slept well actually. Your bed is very comfy." You told him. "How about you?" You asked in return. He shrugged. "Eh. It's not the most comfortable couch in the world." He told you. You took the final bites of you breakfast. "Well, after today, you'll be rid of me." You told him. He got up and took your empty plate. "Well in that case, thank you for staying in the MacTavish bed and breakfast." He told you. You gave him a little laugh. 

     Soap talked to you as he cleaned the dishes. "I hope your meeting with Price goes well." He told you, making casual conversation. "Uh yeah. Actually, would you um, want to come with me, for emotional support?" You asked. Soap set the last of the dishes in the drying rack. "Yeah of course." He told you.

---Soap POV---

     (y/n) and I made our way to Price's office. When we arrived, I opened the door for her and followed in after her. Price looked up from what he was doing to greet us. "Glad to see you could make it (y/n)...and Soap." He said, sounding surprised to see me. (y/n) flashed him a smile as she sat down in the chair across from his desk. I pulled up a chair next to (y/n), wanting to be close to her. 

     Price folded his hands and placed them in front of him on his desk. "Well then, explain the situation." He said. (y/n) took in a deep breath before she spoke. "Well, it appears that I've fallen pregnant." She said awkwardly. Price's eyes narrowed and fell onto me. "Is this your doing? Did you do this?" He asked, pointing a finger at me accusingly. My cheeks flushed red. "Wha- uh, no! It's not- we're not- we've never-" I stuttered out. I sighed, giving up on forming a complete sentence. "Soap is just here for emotional support." (y/n) interjected. Price leaned back in his chair. "I see. So then, where's Ghost? Shouldn't her be here?" He asked. My eyes turned to (y/n), searching for her response. Her face dropped as she looked at the floor. "Ghost is um...out of the picture." She said sadly. 

     Price took some papers out of his desk. "So what can I do to best help you?" He asked, picking up a pen to write with. (y/n) lifted her gaze to meet Price's. "Well I'll need leave for the next several months. Oh, and housing. I'll need somewhere to live." She said. Price looked over a few papers. "Well, leave I can give you but housing is going to be a problem." He said honestly. (y/n)'s expression fell, looking disappointed. "What do you mean" She asked. "Everything's full. I'll put your name at the top of the list for if something does open up but I make no promises." He said. (y/n) sighed and buried her face in her hands. "What am I gonna do?" She asked. I put my hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's no big deal. You can just stay with me." I assured her. She looked at me with misty eyes. "Are you sure?" She asked. I gave her a little smile. "Yeah. I'm growing fond of my couch anyway." I told her. 

     (y/n) looked at her watch and stood up. "I've got to go, I have a doctors appointment. Thank you for all of you help captain." She said, extending her hand toward Price. He took her hand into his, giving it a gentle shake. "If you need anything at all you let me know." He told her. They parted ways and (y/n) made her way to the door. I stood to follow her, "Soap sit down." Price said. I quickly sat back down, following the Captains orders. 

     (y/n) left the room, swinging the door closed behind her. I turned my full attention to Price. "What do you think your doing, son?" Price asked me. I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" I asked him in return. He gave me a disappointed sigh. "Everyone and their next door neighbor can see that you have eyes for that girl. What in the world are you doing with her shacked up with you?" He asked. I sighed. "It's not like that." I told him. He cocked an eyebrow at me. "Do you think Ghost would see it the same way?" He asked. I stood up from my seat. "Look, (y/n) is my friend. Right now, I'm just doing what I have to to keep her safe and well." I told him. I turned for the door. I heard Price give out a soft laugh. "Soap." He called out after me. I turned to face him. "You're a good man. Take good care of her." He said. I gave him a nod. "Yes sir." I said back to him. 

---Ghost POV---

     It had been over a day since I had seen or heard from (y/n). I made my way to Soap's house, knowing that's where I would find her. I knocked on the door. The door opened to revile Soap. "Oh, hey Ghost. What's up?" He asked awkwardly. I rolled my eyes, knowing he was playing dumb. He knew exactly why I was there. "Where is she?" I asked him, cutting straight to the chase. "Hmm?" He asked, still playing coy. I crossed my arms. "My girlfriend. I know she's here. I'd like to speak with her." I demanded. 

     Soap sighed and laid a hand on the back of his neck. He stepped through the door, closing it firmly behind him. "She doesn't want to see you." He told me. "What?" I asked him, still not fully convinced. He shrugged. "You really upset her." He told me. 

     I rolled my eyes. "This is ridiculous." I said, stepping to the door and reaching for the handle. Soap stepped in front of me, blocking my path. "No." He said firmly. "Really?" I asked him. He shook his head. "You're not going near her." He told me. I scoffed but stepped away from the door.

     Soap and I both stood in silence for a moment. He guarded the door protectively, staring me down. "What am I suppose to do?" I asked him softly. Soap shrugged, lowering his guard slightly. "Send her a text? I voicemail? I don't know." He said. He lowered his gaze to the ground. "She'll come around." He said softly. We stood there like that for several moments, neither of us knowing what to say to the other. What a predicament I had gotten myself into. 

Opposing Forces (Soap x Reader x Ghost)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang