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---Your POV---

     Soap reentered your room, followed closely by Ghost. He approached your bedside, greeting you warmly with a kiss on your forehead. "Ghost is going to join us for dinner tonight, if that's alright with you." He told you. You glanced to Ghost, who was standing awkwardly over to the side of the room. "Yeah, that's fine." You told Soap.  

     You let yourself sink deeper into your pillow as your eyelids drooped. "I'm ready to go home." You sighed quietly to Soap. He gave you a nod. He made his way over to Gaz who was holding the baby. He stuck out his arms and Gaz handed the boy over to him. "Thanks for coming everybody but we're gonna talk to the nurses and see about getting discharged now." He announced. Gaz gave Soap a light pat on the shoulder as he moved to leave the room. Kate moved to your bedside took your hand in hers. "I'm so happy for you. You take care now." She told you. You smiled at her as she bid goodbye and made her way to the door. Price began to walk to the door but hesitated for a moment at Soap's side. He placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm proud of you son." He said before heading out the door, closing it gently behind him. 

    The door closed behind Price and all was quiet for a moment. Soap approached Ghost, still holding the child in his arms. "You haven't gotten to hold him yet. Would you like to?" He asked. "U-uh yes. Of coarse." Ghost stuttered out eagerly. Soap began to pass the kid over but hesitated. "The mask." He said. "What?" Ghost asked. "Take it off. It'll scare him." He said. "Oh, right." He said as he pulled his mask off over his head. You're eyes lingered on the face you hadn't gotten to see in so long. You and Soap had both seen Ghost without his mask many times, but it always seemed like the first time. With his mask now off, Ghost reached for the little one again. Soap passed him over carefully before making his way to the door. "I'll go fill out the discharge papers, I'll be back shortly." He told you before leaving the room. 

     It was completely silent when Soap left. You watched Ghost as he carefully held the little child in his arms. He stared down at him speechless. "He has your eyes." You told him, speaking up to break the silence. Ghost gave a choked up reply. "Yeah." He said quickly before clearing his throat and blinking away mist from his eyes. You smiled softly to yourself at the sight. "What did you name him?" Ghost asked, turning his attention to you. "(b/n)." You told him. He nodded. "That's nice." He told you before turning his attention back to the boy.

     Moments later, Soap came back into the room with a baby carrier. "Alright, lets head home." He sighed happily. He took the baby from Ghost and secured him safely in the carrier. He held the carrier securely in his arms as he began towards the door. You did your best to stand and follow them but your legs buckled underneath you. Your once strong legs were weak from blood loss and exhaustion. You began to fall but Ghost quickly reached out and caught you. Soap turned as he heard the commotion from behind him. "Oh shit, I'll grab a wheelchair." He said. You held up your hand to dismiss him. "No, I'll be fine." You told him. You looped an arm over Ghost's shoulders and hoisted yourself upright. Ghost grabbed your wrist and hooked an arm around your waist to support you. "Alright, if your sure." Soap said before turning and leading everyone out the door. "Thank you." You whispered quietly to Ghost as he practically carried you to the car. "It's the least I can do." He replied softly. 

---Ghost POV---

     After a short drive, we arrived back at (y/n) and Soap's home. Once again, Soap took the lead, leaving me and (y/n) behind as he eagerly unlocked the front door. Just like before, (y/n) put an arm around my shoulders and I supported most of her weight as we made our way to the front door. I can't remember the last time I had my arm around her waist. It was nice to be so close to her again, but I wish it was under better circumstances. The poor girl felt so weak. 

     We got inside and I sat (y/n) down at the kitchen table with her baby. Once she was situated, I moved over to Soap to help with the meal. "So what's for dinner?" I asked as I washed my hands in the kitchen sink. Soap sighed. "Something easy." He said in an exhausted tone. "Right." I said in return. I moved around the kitchen helping with what I could. As Soap and I cooked, (y/n) fed the baby. Soap would paus every now and them to watch the two and smile to himself. I did my best to focus on my cooking. Even though this was his idea, I couldn't help but feel like Soap thought I was intruding. So, I did my best to stay out of his way.

Once dinner was ready, we all sat down at the table and enjoyed our meal. Some small talk was made, but for the most part, it was a quiet dinner. Once we were most of the way through our meal, Soap spoke up. "So, Ghost has something he wants to discuss." He said. (y/n) turned her attention to me, looking into my soul with those stunning eyes of hers. "Right, uh-hum, I uh-" I cleared my throat nervously. "Listen, I know I've messed up in the past, but I'd like the opportunity to be a part of my son's life. Please, (y/n)." I begged, speaking directly to (y/n). She sighed and thought for a moment. "I suppose...maybe once a week, you can come over and visit." She said. A smile crept across my face. "Thank you." I said. 

     Soap sighed and stood up slowly from the table. "Well, I'm gonna put the little one to bed." He said softly, careful not to wake the sleeping baby. He picked him up gently and walked carefully to the nursery. I picked up the dirty plated and silverware from the table. "Here, I'll do the dishes." I offered, taking (y/n)'s plate. "Oh, thank you." She said. As I washed the dishes in the small kitchen sink, I'd catch glances from (y/n) out of the corner of my eye. I wondered what she thought. I wish she'd just talk to me. 

     After several moments of washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen, I was done. I made my way back over to (y/n) who smiled softly down the hall to the nursery. "I think he's fallen asleep in there." She said, endearingly referring to Soap. She turned to me. "You should probably get going." She told me. I nodded in compliance. "Would you like me to take you to bed first?" I offered. She shook her head. "No, I think I'll be fine." She said as she weakly stood from her chair, supporting herself on the table. It took everything inside of me not to reach out and help her, but I know how much she values her independence. It would just be insulting to her. She sighed as she stood. She lifted her gaze to meet my eyes. "I'm sorry for the way things ended between us." She said. I looked at her, surprised. "Oh it's...it's okay. Don't be sorry. It wasn't your fault...it was mine." I told her. I stood for a moment before turning to the door. "I'll be going now." I said, walking to the door. "Ghost." (y/n) called out from behind me. "Yes?" I asked, turning to look at her. My heart fluttered in anticipation of her words. "Will you lock the door behind you?" She asked. I smiled softly, masking my disappointment. "Of coarse." I told her, turning back to the door. "Goodnight (y/n)." I said as I stepped out through the door. 

Opposing Forces (Soap x Reader x Ghost)Where stories live. Discover now