Cuddles and Confessions

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---Soap POV---

     (y/n) and I lounged on the couch basically all day. Since she wasn't feeling well, I let (y/n) decide what movies to watch. We went through all of her favorites. We had watched her favorite comedy and her favorite horror movies and we were just finishing her favorite romance. 

     (Y/n) leaned against me, her head resting on my shoulder. I had an arm around her and the other free to use the remote. I turned the movie off as the credits began to roll. "Well, that was cheesy." I told her. (y/n) rolled her eyes at me. "Well I liked it." She sighed. "Really? It seamed like such a cliché. Why do you like it so much?" I asked her. She smiled and shrugged. "I don't know, I just love love I guess." She said. 

     She snuggled into me a bit. I felt my heart flutter. Its not like it really meant anything, we were just two friends cozied up, watching movies together. Still, this was everything I could ever want and more. "Makes me kind of sad though." She added. "What do you mean?" I asked her. She sighed. "I don't know, I guess I just miss feeling loved." She said. That made me feel so sad. How could she ever feel unloved? I know that Ghost had really hurt her, but to feel unloved? "I love you." I interjected. She rolled her eyes, giving me a little laugh. "Yeah, but I mean me like that." She said. I took a deep breath as I gathered my courage and swallowed hard. "I do love you like that." I told her. That was it. I had finally said it. There's no going back now. 

     She sat up straight and looked me in my eyes, blushing. "What?" She asked me. I felt nervous. I knew I couldn't take back what I had said. It was now or never. I gave a heavy sigh. "I've loved you since the day that I met you." I told her. She didn't say anything in return. Her eyes were wide, seemingly in disbelief. I smiled to myself nervously as I continued. "I couldn't really say anything though. I didn't want to ruin our friendship. Then you started dating Ghost, so then I really couldn't say anything." I laughed nervously. "But I guess I'm getting it all out in the open now, aren't I?" (y/n) stayed quiet. The silence was deafening. Seconds dragged on like hours. I took in a sharp breath. "Please just say something." I begged her. 

     My heart raced as I waited for (y/n)'s response. She sighed and sunk back into her seat. "I guess I've kind of always known." She said. "What?" I asked her, surprised. She gave a faint smile. "I've always noticed those little glances you'd give me from across the room. The way you'd blush when you'd see me. I just kind of pretended not to see." She said. There was a long pause. She took in a shaky breath before continuing. "I loved Ghost...I really did. I wouldn't have done anything to harm our relationship. So, I never acknowledged your very blatant feelings." She said. 

     There was a pause between us. I took a deep breath, sucking up courage into my lungs. "Well, Ghost isn't here now, but I'll be here, if you'll have me." I told her, blushing hard. She blushed back at me. "What are you saying?" She asked me. I leaned in. "I'm saying let me in. Let me love you. Just give me a chance and I'll show you that I can treat you so much better than he ever did. I'll be right here for you. I promise." I told her. I spoke to her genuinely, every word coming from the bottom of my heart. 

     (y/n) stayed quiet, like she was too shocked to speak. Our eyes stayed locked on each other, our faced only inches apart. I sighed heavily. "Listen, I'm getting really tired of pretending like I don't want to kiss you right now so-" I was cut off by (y/n) pressing her lips against mine. I was a bit shocked at first but instantly melted into her. I kissed her back lovingly as I placed my hand on her cheek. 

   Our kiss went on for several moments. I kits her passionately, putting my hand on her waist and pulling her in eagerly. She smiled and pulled away. "Easy, I'm still not feeling my best." She said. I smiled at her. "That's okay, I'll wait." I told her. She sighed and laid back on the couch, her hands resting on her belly. "How long are you willing to wait?" She asked me. I shrugged with a smile. "As long as I need to." I assured her. She smiled softly at me. "This doesn't bother you?" She asked. I shook my head. "No." I said simply as I made my way down to lay next to her on the couch.

     She turned her gaze towards me with a sigh. "You know we're going to have to tell price about this, right?" She asked. I nodded. "Yeah. Eventually. Lets just keep this between you and me for right now." I said, wrapping my arms around her and cuddling her in close. She returned the gesture, resting her head on my chest. "Ghost is gonna hear about this too." She said. I took a deep breath and let it out with a sigh. "Yeah...I know. I'll talk to him." I told her. She scoffed softly. "Y'know, he was always so certain that you were trying to steal me away from him and now look." She said. I shook my head. "You're not stolen. He pushed you away all on his own." I told her. "But you're gonna stay with me, right? You're not gonna leave us?" She asked. Her vice was filled with worry and uncertainty. I pulled her in close and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Of coarse not. We're in this together." I told her assumingly. She smiled as she relaxed into my arms. "Good." She said softly. 

Opposing Forces (Soap x Reader x Ghost)Where stories live. Discover now