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The mermen around me are stuck in a moment of shock. 

"What have you done?" I seethe at not-George. 

He smiles wickedly. His voice is scraggly and sharp, but in the undertones you can still hear his real voice. "I merely got rid of the neuscience that is Wilbur Soot. He kept getting in my way."

I shiver when he speaks. Sapnap swims in front of me like a shield. "Dream, you've gotta go."

"What? No. What are you talking about?"

Plato has a hold of my wrist before I can react. "He needs to stay."

Sapnap widens his eyes. "He can't get hurt--"

"He needs to save George," Plato interrupts. 

My eyes move to where the Seer was as Plato and Sapnap bicker. He is now casting dark magic in the direction of the other elders. Harold gets hit and falls backward clutching at his arm which looks like it's burning. Bubbles sizzle around the wound. Keller is nowhere to be seen. My hand stings where it has been cut.

I jerk my hand from Plato's grip.

"How do I save George?" I yell at him.

Plato looks at me, eyes wide. "You have to destroy the Seer."

I look back over at the Seer as he uses George's body to attack the old mermen.

"But they are the same right now."

Plato places a sharp rock in my hand and curls my fingers around it. "You must finish the ritual." He points at George's body. "Do you see how his fingers have turned black. That is because the Seer has to use dark magic to keep a hold of George's body. His hand has healed over because of this. If you can help George regain some sense of himself for long enough to reopen the wound and seal your souls with a kiss, you should be able to rid the Seer from his body."

My adrenaline courses through my veins. "But what happens when the Seer leaves his body. Will he just possess someone else?"

Plato nods his head. "That's what this rock is for. You have to stab this through him the moment he leaves George's body."

My fingers clench the rock. Harold yells out in pain. I look up and watch as Merlin is flung towards us, slamming into Sapnap and I. We fall towards the ocean floor rapidly. The rock in my hand is knocked away from me and falls out of sight.

I grunt as I swim away from Merlin. Sapnap is pulling Merlin into his arms asking if he is alright. A black mark across his stomach argues otherwise. I search frantically for the rock. The ocean floor feels so far away. I bolt towards the ground, but stop quickly when I hear my name.

"Oh Dream!" The Seer's voice echo's through the cave. I look up and see George's hand wrapped around Karl's neck. He is too far away for me to do anything, and I can't do anything without that rock.

Karl whimpers as I slowly twist to fully look at them. "Stop what you're doing or I will kill your friend."

I clench my teeth. "George... I know you're in there. You have to take control."

The Seer laughs loudly making Karl flinch. 

"Karl!" Sapnap yells. The Seer is quick and he shoots a tendril of black towards Sapnap. He smashes into the ground along with Merlin. 

"George isn't here anymore Dream. You can't change the prophecy, you have to accept the ultimate power. The mermen haven't done anything for you. You don't have to help them, you just have to destroy them."

"Please George. You're stronger than you think. You have to take control."

The Seer's eyes go dark. "You can't change your fate Dream. This is beyond you. You have no power here and neither does George."

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