Plan of Dissent

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After capturing the Umbaran airbase, no thanks to General Krell, I found some time to contact (N) with a hologram transmitter. "This General Krell seems like a real asshole." (N) replied after I retold the events from an hour ago. "He's not the easiest to deal with. He even berated me when I requested assistance from the other troopers he had with him, even though I told him that our rocket launchers were no match for the Umbaran tanks we were facing." I further explained. "That's beyond unreasonable! This probably isn't the first time he's done this with a battalion. I've heard that he has the highest death count of clones under his leadership." They elaborated. "That's what Fives said," I added. I noticed they were walking behind a changing screen that had a small gap I could see through. I feel my cheeks get warm and look away, not wanting to invade their privacy. They come out with different Jedi robes. "You look great, (N)." I expressed. "Thank you. But back to what we were talking about, don't let general Krell push you around, he gets a power trip from pushing you and the troops around because he thinks you're beneath him. Keep an eye on him, it's rare for a Jedi to use threat tactics, especially if it's towards their own clone troopers." (N) warned, calling back to general Krell threatening Fives with his lightsaber. "Okay, I've got to go to a council meeting. I love you, be careful." (N) urged. "I will. Love you too." I said back.

"Sir, there's a transmission from General Kenobi," I informed. "I'll take it in the Tower." General Krell responded still walking at a fast pace towards the tower as I follow. "General Kenobi, do you read me?" General Krell asked while the Umbaran tech configured into General Kenobi's shape. "Congratulations on your capture of the Umbaran airbase, General. It's refreshing to hear good news." General Kenobi admitted. "There will be time for celebration when we've taken the capital." General Krell dismissed. "Yes, well, I'm afraid that's going to be more difficult than anticipated. Their attacks have increased, and their long-range missiles are forcing us to retreat from our positions. General Kenobi informed. "I was hoping we'd cut off their arm shipments and supplies when we took the airbase." General Krell stated. "It seems they're receiving new arm shipments directly from a supply ship orbiting.." General Kenobi said before the transmission started to warble with static. "General Kenobi?" General Krell asked wearily. "Having difficulty transmit... They must be jamming our signals." General Kenobi confirmed. "Can't we destroy the supply ship?" I asked, the hope of a better plan emerging. "We're trying, but with little success. Their fleet outnumbers ours, and the ships we were promised have not yet arrived." General Kenobi explained. "We'll just have to take the capital regardless of the missiles. My battalion will meet you at the rendezvous coordinates." General Krell responded. "We can not expect..." General Kenobi tried to say before being cut off by static. The call ends abruptly. "I'm trying to get him back, sir." A trooper said behind some Umbaran technology. "Don't bother. The enemy is jamming our transmissions. We are on our own." General Krell stated.

"Have those containers searched and all weapons prepped and loaded. Have the battalion ready to move out in 12 hours. We're advancing on the capital." General Krell ordered. "Sir, should I try to get a message to General Kenobi? Shouldn't we coordinate our attack, especially in the light of the recent threat?" I asked. "General Kenobi has his hands full, same as us. We need to throw everything we have at them, now!" General Krell demanded. "We'd be marching into a blast zone, sir." I politely argued, explosions in the background. "Blasted insurgents. I realize you haven't agreed with all my strategies, Captain, but you are smart enough and loyal enough to obey orders. Now prep those troops!" General Krell ordered. I walk to the barracks, forced to carry out General Krell's orders on my own principles and morals.

"Those missiles have a 100-megaton yield. We won't even make it to the delta." Fives expressed. "What can I do? I've tried to reason with him. Those are the orders." I stated. "Great, another suicide mission. The capital is too well-armed." Jesse commented. "Why does it seem like he has it out for clones?" Tup asked. "I think you're all overreacting. Obviously, General Krell knows what he's doing. Do you really think he doesn't care if he loses men?" Dogma questioned everyone, defending General Krell. "I'm not saying that, but I do think his desire for victory has blinded him to the fact that there are lives at stake. I never seen a General with these kinds of casualties." Jesse acknowledged. "He's out of control. He is not acting like the other Jedi. He has no respect for us." Fives stated. "Listen, I don't agree with him either, but I don't have a better plan." I persisted. "Well, what about using these starfighters to destroy the supply ship?" Fives offered. "Our fleet has been trying. The Umbaran have it as protected as the capital." I stated. "But we've got their access codes and their own hardware." Fives persisted. "You were able to crack it?" I asked, surprised at how fast they were able to crack it. "Mm-hmm. We can sneak right past their blockade, get where our ships can't." Fives replied, giving Jesse a friendly punch to the shoulder. I thought about it for a second. It would be a better plan compared to General Krell's impulsive plan. "If we take out that supply ship, then we cut off arms to the capital." Fives urged.

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