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Ryan's Mustang GT ^^
Delilah wakes up late the next morning to her alarm going off nonstop from its place on the nightstand underneath her hat.

Ryan bangs on her door, "Turn that damn thing off, I can hear it from the other side of the fucking house!" Ryan shouts, anger potent in his voice, sticking out more than his southern drawl that was thicker than honey.

Her immediate reaction is to tell him to fuck off and mind his own business, but he is her boss so she can't technically cuss him out if she wants to keep her job.

She rolls over and buries her face in her pillow.

"Go away!" She shouts, voice muffled by one of the old pillows Patty had piled up on the bed Delilah was using for the night.

Ryan debates on going in and shutting off the alarm himself but decides not to, as well.. he could walk in on really anything. He doesn't have a clue what's behind that door.

"Turn. The. Damn. Alarm. Off."

"Just go away."

Ryan rolls his eyes. "Fine."

Heavy rain beat down on the window Ryan was staring at, spaced out like he was high as fuck even though he wasn't.

He watches the rain fall outside, the sweet sound of the rain falling mixed with thunder clashing sort of gave him a sense of peace, which was odd. He hated storms with a passion, but hey, he has seen heavier rain.

"Ry, can I talk to you?"


Riley sits down on the couch beside him and Waylon, letting her blue eyes drift out the window too.

"I've really gotta get home, I can't stay here any longer, my mama's sick and I don't feel right leavin' her there alone."

"Riley, you can't drive with the roads covered in water."

"My Ram's got four wheel drive."

"Four wheel low ain't gonna save your ass in high water."

"I'm leaving, I have to. My momma's alone." She says while she stands, adjusting her coat. "I'm the only person she has left."

"Exactly, she needs you. What if you get hurt while you're driving?"

Riley goes silent for a minute.

"Ryan, I have to go."

"Riley, please. You're gonna get hurt."

She ignores him and goes to unlock the front door where a little bit of water slips through the open front door and onto the floor. "Riley!"

She slams the door behind her with Ryan hot on her heels.

The water was so damn deep outside it came up to the very top of her Ram's 33s, which she knew was probably going to cause her most of her issues with her driving in these conditions.

"Riley, please, don't go."

He can't lose her to the storm, he simply can't. She was the love of his life. At least.. he thinks.

"Goodbye, Ryan."

He watches her climb into her truck and switch it into reverse, preparing to back out and then turn her truck around.


No, she can't do this to him.

She knows she's killing him by walking away in a time like this—bitch. She knows he hates storms, she knows she's his rock, one of the few things keeping him sane—and she's leaving. She's leaving in the midst of a raging flood.

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