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Ryan woke up the next morning to a pitch black bedroom and a soundly sleeping brunette beauty curled up in his arms. The room was void of sound besides the low hum of the ceiling fan and the occasional snores from Waylon and Ranger.

Delilah had her head pressed against his chest, one arm over his middle with her nails occasionally dragging down his side and his back whenever she jerked, most likely because of whatever was going on inside the dream she was engrossed in. She had hooked her leg over his hip in her sleep, but he honestly didn't mind. Whatever kept him warm, because it sure as hell wasn't the sheets she kicked out in the floor during the night because of her nonstop tossing and turning. His cheek was pressed against the top of her head and his arms were wrapped around her, holding her close like if he let go she'd disappear into thin air, never to be seen again.

But that wasn't true.

She would never disappear, that'd break his and her heart.

..would she?

She didn't think she would, at least.

Ryan kissed the top of her head and squeezed her, giving her a half-assed hug because he couldn't necessarily give her anything better while they were laying down like this. She stirred, now somewhat awake but not up enough to understand much of anything.

If he said anything right now, it'd just be incoherent letters and sounds to her.

She stretched the arm she had over him out, but soon let it fall right back in to place with of course, her trademark drag of her long ass nails on his skin. It'd hurt more later, he was sure of it, but he'd take it any day just to lay next to her like this.

"Good mornin'," Ryan rasps into her hair, sleep filling his staticky morning voice. "How'd you sleep last night, darlin'?"

"Mornin'." She mumbled. "And, pretty damn good, for the record. You make a good pillow." It only emphasized her last point when she yawned and plopped her head back down onto his chest and closed her eyes.

"I gotta get up."

"No." Delilah whined, dragging out the 'o'. "Just lay here a little while longer. Please?"

"Five more minutes."

She pulled her head away and scooted up in bed so her face was more level with his. She'd slid down in bed during the night, completely off the pillows but he hadn't. Ryan gently pressed his lips to hers and kissed her softly, the touch more out of love than its demanding predecessors from the day before.

She brought her hand from his side to the back of his head, letting his short reddish brown hair curl around her hand and hide it away from the prying eyes of the world. Delilah smiled against his lips and he ran his hand over her back.

I love you.

Those three simple words swirled around in her mind, but she didn't dare utter a single letter-let alone the whole (albeit short) sentence slip past her lips.

Suddenly, she remembered the first time he told her he loved her.

They'd known each other for merely a day or two at the time. She just started working on Ghost Ranch as a part time farmhand (the same position she had now) and it was the day after that horrible flash flood happened. In fact, that very day he decided to put his life on the line for his (then) girlfriend, Riley. Fuck you, by the way, Riley. She said to herself inside her head. She got into a car accident and Ryan was gonna take his prized truck, Black Sabbath out and risk both his life and the F-250's life to go check on her. She knew for a fact that was tough as hell for him to do because no one wanted to see someone they love-especially as much as he loved Riley- in critical condition at a hospital he knew wasn't the best. Before he left, he was saying goodbyes to his brother and his mama, telling them he loved them and of course joking around with Austen, and at last he turned to Delilah. She didn't expect him to say anything but a simple 'bye', because he didn't know her. But he didn't, he told her 'and Delilah, love you too.'

Ryan pulled away and laid his head back down on his arm he was using to prop himself up comfortably. Through his piercing gaze she saw something akin to adoration.. He was looking at her like she was a prized jewel he'd never seen before, or like she was something so beautiful and so rare that he couldn't take his eyes off of her.

And she knew she had the same adoring look in her own eyes.

Delilah whimpered softly and wrapped her arms around his neck, doing her best to ignore the burning heat of her Silverado's grille bleeding through her shirt and making its way to her back. Ryan let his hand fall to her hip where it was meant to be while his other got lost beneath her chocolatey waves.

He had her pressed firmly against the burning hot grille of her truck while he kissed her. The touch was supposed to be a simple, light kiss and then she'd leave, but it didn't turn out like he originally planned. Neither of them was against the touch though, and they stayed like that for God knows how long.
It could've been seconds, minutes, hours, days or hell, even years for all they cared, but they didn't let go.

Delilah cursed herself inside her head when she pulled away. Why does breathing have to get in the way of every fucking thing? Her forehead rested against his while the pair breathed heavily through their noses.

"'Member, eight a.m. tomorrow, don't be late."

How could she forget when he reminded her three times since they stepped outside? For a second, she debated on wether or not she should challenge him and ask 'what if I am?' But she valued being able to sit down, thank you very much. "I know, I won't be."

Ryan pulled away and shot her a sweet grin, stuffing his hands into his jean pockets. "I'll see you tomorrow, baby."


She loved how he said that word, with his thick southern drawl dripping off each letter.. oh, his voice was bewitching.

"Bye, Ry." She smiled back, though her smile was a lot smaller and more bashful than his was.

He went back inside and she turned to get into her truck, but not after waving back at the redhead standing by the living room window waving at her while she very carefully backed out.

Things were finally going good for her, and she hoped they'd stay that way.

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