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Trigger warning:blood/a little violence
Mary Jane nipped at the man's gun through the gate and stuck her paw through, doing her best to get out of the yard and chase off the man she saw as a threat. The boy yanked his arm back and the empty, rusted gun went with it. "Dumb dog." He mumbled under his breath.

He put one sneaker clad foot on the gate and grabbed the top bar with both hands and pulled himself over the gate, then dropped down to the hard dirt landing that awaited him. Waylon growled and jumped on the boy, digging his trimmed claws into the boy's legs and chest. Mary Jane, however, was running back to Ryan so she could lead him to the asshole that decided to enter her territory without permission.

Ryan petted MJ's head and whispered a thank you to the sweet dog, then followed her up to the boy that was pinned against the gate and the dirt. He and MJ were as silent as they could be so they could sneak up on the blonde boy.

"Hey!" Ryan yelled, pulling his knife from its sheath. "Get the fuck outta here you dumb bitch!"

The blonde's head shot upwards and his eyes landed on Ryan. Fear was prevalent in his eyes while he tried to push the dog off him so he could escape and get away unharmed, but both the boys and dogs knew that wouldn't happen.

You don't break into Ghost Ranch and expect to leave unscathed.

"Fuck!" The boy exclaimed, kicking at Waylon in a shitty attempt to get the pissed off dog off him. "Dumb dog! Get offa me!"

"Waylon." Ryan's voice was low and demanding when he called the dog. "Heel, boy."

Waylon growled at the boy one final time and clawed his chest hard enough to break the skin and leave a tear in his shirt, but went to Ryan and sat right beside him. "Stay." Ryan said to both Mary Jane and Waylon.

The boy looked up at Ryan through his shaggy bangs with pleading eyes filled with tears. He clutched his chest, pressing his palm hard against the now bleeding scratch on his torso. "Please-"

Ryan grabbed the collar on his shirt and dragged the boy upwards so he'd be forced to stand up with his back against the gate. "If you value your fucking life, I'd recommend you get the hell out of my yard and never come back."

"I'm sorry." The boy whispered, his voice strangled and his breathing labored. "I'll leave, just.. please don't hurt me."

Ryan looked at the boy, no pity in his heart for the young man. He didn't really believe him, but he also didn't have all day to waste with a dumb teenager that apparently didn't know who he was messing with.

Reluctantly, Ryan let go of his collar and the boy dropped down to his knees in the dirt, no doubt in pain. He watched the blonde clutch his chest, specifically where the claw mark was. Blood was starting to seep through the fabric and color his white shirt a deep shade of red. His hand was also red from trying to get the cut to stop bleeding.


The boy looked up at Ryan before scrambling to his feet to leave in a hurry. He didn't want more trouble, and he wasn't gonna chance getting into anything else for a long while.

"And don't fucking come back!" Ryan's eyes were stuck on the boy as he clambered to once again jump the fence. His feet slipped off the gate his first try and he almost fell back in the dirt, but eventually he made it out and he ran off into the woodland on the opposite side of the road until his silhouette disappeared in the fog and trees.

When Ryan turned, he was met with a scared, confused Delilah leaning against her truck with her hand over her rapidly beating heart. Her eyes were wide while she seemed to go over inside her head what had just happened.

Mary Jane was sitting right beside Delilah, nudging the girl's arm with her wet nose. That sweet dog always knew when someone was upset or worried and always wanted to cheer up whoever she thought was upset. Waylon was laying in front of Delilah's truck with his head resting on one of his paws and his eyes closed, almost asleep like he hadn't just dug his claws into a boy's chest hard enough to draw blood.

Delilah looked down at MJ and petted her, her hazel eyes silently thanking the dog for bringing her out of her apparent disorientation.

"What.. who was that?" Judging from her voice, she seemed unfazed, but the look on her face and the goosebumps on her arms said otherwise.

"Dunno." Ryan shrugged. "Kid wanted to try his luck and Waylon got his ass," at the sound of his name, Waylon went up to Ryan and sat at his feet with his mouth open and his tongue hanging out, panting. Ryan gently gave the big puppy ear scratches and smiled down at him. "Scratched the shit outta him. Guarantee you his happy ass won't never come back over here."

"Unless he's stupid." Delilah said with a nervous laugh in attempt to lighten the mood that had ruined the morning. And here I was thinking today would be a good day.. of course it wasn't. She thought, facepalming inside her head.

"Honestly? I think he was stupid." Ryan, however, wasn't fazed by the whole situation. He was acting like this was a normal occurrence on Ghost Ranch, and Delilah genuinely didn't know if this was normal for him or if he was just as confused as she was.

Authors note

Two updates in two days? Is this actual responsible writer behavior for once?

All jokes aside, with how well these two chapters have gone I might even have chapter 20 out by the end of the week too.

Writers block might actually be gone for a while, FINALLYYY.

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