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Delilah woke late that night to a calm, quiet room. Leaning up on her elbows, she blinked the sleep from her eyes and looked over to see the curtains that had been drawn closed that evening pulled open just enough for the lights of the buzzing town to be seen. A silhouette stood in front of that gap in the curtains, outlined by the moon's gentle glow. Cars flew by from a couple floors down, the sounds of exhausts and engines the only noise.

Well, besides that familiar male's voice.

That silhouetted man by the window was Ryan.

With Elain in his arms, her head against his shirtless chest and little arm reaching out and brushing against his tattooed skin. Instead of being swaddled in her blanket, it was laid against her back and side, allowing her teeny body to be against his without that pesky fabric between them.

She wasn't crying.

No, she was fast asleep in his arms, looking as comfortable, happy, and innocent as could be.

All while her daddy sang to her.

It was a song she'd only heard a handful of times, sang by Johnny Cash on the local radio station. Hearing it now, being sung by him to their baby girl, she decided it would be one of her new favorites.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.

You make me happy when skies are gray..

Outside, the neon lights of Nashville's nightlife grew brighter and brighter. Hues of purple, blue, pink and red began to light up the streets as buildings came alive. Cars filled tight parking lots as trucks fought to get past the heavy traffic.

It must be around midnight.

Why is he still awake? Has he been up all night?


By the window, he stilled like he wasn't expecting her to wake this soon. "Yeah?"

The bed squeaked beneath her when she sat up, stretching her arms out above her head and arching her back slightly. Ryan turned just as she settled, rubbing her hands across her arms to rid herself of the chill that came over her while she slept. "Have you been up all night?" A wondering glance tossed towards Elain, asleep on his chest.

"I got to sleep for.. an hour." He intentionally drew out the silence for comedic purposes.

"An hour." No humor hid in her tone like his.

Down on the ground level, two floors down, the sounds of car horns blared and bright lights flashed. Headlights, probably. Driving at nighttime in the city was like driving through a living Hell, and those people were no doubt experiencing the miserableness of being behind the wheel in Music City. "Why don't you let the nurse take Ellie for awhile? We could both use a good night's rest."

"Because." Was his only reply. He went back to humming the music to one of his unreleased songs to Elain, holding her to his chest and rubbing her back with the hand holding her blanket to her. "Besides, I like holding her anyway."

"At least come here then. It's cold in here."

A playful grin tugged at the corners of his lips, uplifting them. He shook his head and went over, dropping into his chair with a sigh. He knew exactly what she wanted;him laying in that bed beside her, arms wrapped tightly around her and her head on his chest.

Delilah grunted her annoyance at his choice of seating. He blatantly ignored it, instead choosing to focus on Elain and making sure their talking doesn't wake her. It was hell getting her to sleep in the first place.

Supernova Souls - Ryan UpchurchWhere stories live. Discover now