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Delilah sat on the porch with her surprisingly not pain-filled head in her hands and her elbows propped up on her bare knees. She'd thrown on a pair of black cutoff leggings and a white hoodie with her name hand-stitched (by her mama) on the front above her right breast in deep ocean blue thread. Her hair was haphazardly thrown into a bun atop her head with strands falling down to frame her face and of course, the stud piercing in her nose because she'd forgotten to take it out earlier and decided to wear it a while longer since she was going out riding roads with Ryan.

It was cool outside with a gentle breeze that would float throughout the air every once in a while, the temperature dropped lower than usual. The sky was dark and filled with stars, full moon glowing bright above her.

Sure, her stomach still hurt, but she'd rather suffer with Ryan rather than alone in her pitch black bedroom piled under 3 blankets. She raised her head with an exaggerated sigh and looked towards the baren road for any sign of Ryan's Lamborghini Huracan, which he'd said he was taking. Nothing. Just a long stretch of empty road.

At least she thought until she heard a car coming. It was loud, but the sounds quieted as it got closer. Whatever it was, it didn't have it's headlights on. Curious, she got up and walked to the edge of her driveway.

The silhouette of the car was all she could see. It was short and low to the ground, sort of rounded but also had some sharp edges that made the car look modern and sleek, and it was too dark outside to decipher the color. It was now driving slowly, getting closer to her daddy's trailer. She cocked her head to the side and stared at it when it pulled over at the edge of the property line, close enough to the ditch that if it moved any closer it'd end up inside the ditch.

Then, a hand waved at her through the tinted windshield, motioning for her to come closer.


She smiled and stuck her hands in her hoodie pocket and started off towards the car. The lock on the door lifted and she opened it, watching the big fancy thing go up— she'd never been in one of these before. "these", is a 2016 Lamborghini Huracan.

"Hey baby." Ryan said with a small smile on his face. He was exhausted. She smiled back and took both him and the expensive car in.
The car had a beautiful black interior with comfortable looking leather seats, a shit ton of buttons on the dashboard that controlled God knows what, nice and also confusing looking vents that let out warm air facing the seats, two cupholders with coasters made specifically for the car holding up two cans of Yoo-hoos. One was half drank, the other unopened. Finally, her eyes were drawn back to the last thing inside the Huracan— the handsome man in the drivers seat with one hand on the steering wheel, other in his lap. Bags under his heavy eyes, glasses low on his nose, hair messed up like he'd just woke up but she knew that wasn't what happened-he couldn't fall asleep, just like her, and tossed and turned for hours-, baggy clothes covering him up. The oddest thing about his outfit choice however was his shoes. Well, lack of shoes. He was completely barefoot in a Lamborghini.

"Stop starin' and get in." He said jokingly. Delilah rolled her eyes at him and climbed inside the car. She buckled herself in and settled down into the seat, resting her head against the headrest. Her eyes fell closed and Ryan glanced over at her. In her eyes, she looked like a hot mess, but in his eyes she was stunning even when she didn't put effort in for her clothes, hair and makeup. After a few seconds of awkward silence in the car and not going anywhere, Delilah looked over at Ryan right as he looked away and back towards the road.

Ryan squeezed the steering wheel and shifted the car into drive. The Huracan slowly began to drive away almost noiselessly with no headlights off into the darkness of the early morning.

"You were staring at me."



Delilah watched the quiet boy in the driver's seat with a confused look on her face. "You're cute." He said plainly, keeping his eyes trained on the narrow two-lane in front of him like traffic was blazing past him, though nobody else was there. "How could I not?"

Supernova Souls - Ryan UpchurchWhere stories live. Discover now