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"Forged wheels too? Can this truck get any better? 'Cause I don't think it can." Chase reached out to the right front chrome wheel and stuck a finger on the center cap that had the words "Hollerboy Records", engraved on it and dragged his finger down it. The words spun in front of him, and his eyes widened. "They spin too?"

"Always have."

"My God, man, you really didn't have to do all this- giving me this gorgeous truck.." his words trailed off as his brown eyes wandered over the sleek curves of the black F-250 that was formerly Ryan's pride and joy, but was now Chase's. The body lines on the truck were long, dark, sleek and winding, like those of the mountains that stretched across the land off in the distance of Ghost Ranch.

Black Sabbath's glossy black paint reflected the puffy white clouds in the bright blue Tennessee sky, warm-ish air beating down on the two men and the lifted Ford. It was unusually warm in Cheatham County for late February, but Ryan wasn't gonna complain. He liked warmer weather.

The sun was high and bright in the sky, yet hidden behind the few clouds above. The grass was no longer dry and yellowed, but now a beautiful shade of green beneath their boots.

Mary Jane and Waylon were both asleep in different places on the front porch, MJ on the porch swing with her head hanging off it and Waylon was laying on the floor in front of the cracked open front door. Both dogs had food and water bowls on the porch of equal size, and two smaller bowls were there for Bee up on the porch railing where only she could reach.

The two men stood around for a while and chatted about the truck that sat tall in the grass, shining like a diamond. Chase was overjoyed, and beyond excited to take that beautiful truck back home with him.

The ground rumbled beneath Ryan's feet and his head shot up, eyes being met by a beautiful black Ford Excursion kicking up dust as it approached the boys. Shit, what's wrong now?Ryan rolled his eyes at his own thought with a slight chuckle.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." He glanced down at Chase, noticing he was still kneeling beside the F-250 engrossed in his thoughts. "Just.. keep marveling at the truck, I guess. That's fine."

The tinted driver's side window rolled down and a delightful, gap-tooth smile was the first thing he noticed about the girl sitting behind the wheel. "Hey, Ryan!"

"Hey." He flashed her a grin. "What's up?"

His feet slowed to a stop as he got closer to the lifted truck and his eyes raked over what he could see of Delilah as though they had a mind of their own.
Long brown hair was pulled up into a messily made bun atop her head, the red highlights shining in the sun that peeked in through her opened window. She had on a baggy black short sleeve shirt with lyrics to Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys strewn across the front and a plain silver chain around her neck. Her greenish-brown eyes shimmered in the sun, showcasing the little speck of blue in her already colorful iris he had never noticed before.


He shook his head as if trying to physically shake him out of the trance he seemed to put himself into. "Huh?"

"I said," she cleared her throat. "That the vet called and said they got the bullets safely removed from June, and that she's doing great. Said you'll get her back in no time." Those same beautiful, color-filled eyes were shooting daggers at him.

"Good. I missed that little shit when she was gone." He swayed back and forth on his feet for a moment, then stayed planted in his spot in the grass. "Was that the only reason you came up here?"

"No, actually." Her fingers absentmindedly tapped the steering wheel, nails painted in a chipping coat of deep red brushing against the wheel cover hard enough to make tiny indents of the tips of her short nails. "I uh, I was wondering if I could get the rest of the day off. Shit, even an hour would be amazing, if you could—my little brother got in deep shit today and I've gotta go bail him out."

Deep shit? Bail him out? What?

"For what?" He rasped, narrowing his eyes at her in suspicion. He knew he would've given her the time off no matter the reason, but he was curious.

Delilah brushed her thumb over the steering wheel cover. "He got caught going twenty over in my daddy's truck by himself, which, he technically still can't do because he's only got his permit and not his license yet. I've gotta go figure all this shit out and help him pay his ticket, and after that I don't know what the fuck they're gonna do about him driving alone. Thought my dad was gonna go with him, but I guess not."

Once Delilah finished speaking, she realized how embarrassing everything she had just unloaded on her boss was, and that she was rambling. She hoped the ground would open below her and swallow her whole so she could avoid whatever Ryan could potentially reply to her with, if he had a reply at all.

She tore her hand away from the wheel and pinched the bridge of her nose between her pointer finger and thumb, eyes squeezed shut. If I can't see you, you can't see me.

She didn't let him get a word in edgewise and replied to herself before he could. "I'm sorry, I really shouldn'ta said all that, I was rambling again."

"You're fine, Lilah." He paused for a moment and looked down at the door of her truck simply as something to avert his eyes to. "Reminds me a little of myself when I was sixteen. Go 'head and take the rest of the day off and go help.." he searched his brain for the name of her little brother, but couldn't seem to find it. He felt a little stupid asking what his name was, but she just let out a little laugh. "Zach, his name's Zach."

"Right, Zach. Got it." He smiled up at the beauty in the lifted Excursion. He was learning that his fondness for the sweet woman sitting high in her truck only grew as the days passed. "Go be your little brother's princess in a shining Ford and go save him from the Cheatham County police. Lord knows they'll chap his ass if you don't."

Delilah saluted Ryan, a genuine goofy grin spread across her face. "Yes sir." Ryan laughed, and smiled back. "Speaking from experience, I assume."

"Yes ma'am, I am. Ashland City cops don't fuck around." He said. "Half don't care, half will chap. Your. Ass." He paused in between each of the last three words, putting emphasis on each one. "Now, go save Zach. Seriously."

Authors note

Okay the date I originally posted this chapter was actually my truck's birthday lmao (random ass a/n but you get the point) sorta sad I had to update stuff in this chapter bc of the original update-date.

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