Chapter 21

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I had never traveled outside of my city much less the states. We were only going to be in Spain for a couple more days and we haven't even seen the city yet, not just us but the band as a whole. Today was a free day, tomorrow there was one more show, and then one last free day before leaving to the next place. Yeah sure the guys saw the night scene but they never saw the light of day.

Slash and I decided to sight see a little bit during the day before actually going on a date in the evening. We didn't know how we would get through it though with the thousands of fans crowding the street still. But we figured that with the security men the label was adamant on us bringing, we could manage. I went down stairs to the lobby to see if they had any of those brochures on a stand on what to do in the city like they did in America. I didn't see any and this did seem like a little more fancy hotel than usual, I felt dumb for even thinking that a place like this would have small time measurements like that. Surely the people who stay here already have a knowing for the place and don't need a paper to tell them what to do.

I spun around ready to go back up to my room when a lady behind a small table was looking at me. She was fair in complexion and had the most stunning eyes I had seen.

"Do you need help?" She asked with a thick accent.

"Yes I do actually. I was just wondering what there is to do around here."

"Any particular place or setting you would like?"

"Ummm... no just I assume a little bit of everything that you can think off the top of your head. I don't want to be too much trouble. We're not picky."

"No trouble at all." she said as she pulled out a legal note pad and pen and began writing various places and things to do, " Here you are, I hope you enjoy it." She held up the paper.

"Yes we will thank you so much." I replied taking the paper from her soft hands. I began taking the elevator back to our room. The lobby was quiet and unused so far. It wasn't all that early but I assume the other guests were already off doing what they came here for.

The elevator door opened and I saw Steven walking back to his room with a ice bucket full of ice. He looked tired and sick but when he saw me he perked up a little bit, enough to wheeze a "Hey mo!"

"Hey Steven, you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah just got a little rowdy last night with the guys. I lost at poker," He said, "Got any plans for today?"

"Well Slash and I were gonna go out and see what we can find, sight see I guess you could say," I said holding up the yellow paper, "the lady down stairs gave me a list of things we could do."

"At the little desk? Man she's banging! Me and Duff wanna try and get at her before we leave. We feel she's warming up."

I look at him and chuckle a small laugh. I didn't really mind how they spoke about women but sometimes it could be a little too much. I told them as long as they all agree on what they are doing then it's cool. "Heh yeah thats the one. But do you have any plans or do you all want to join us?" I invited him. I figured Slash wouldn't mind since this wasn't actually our date and that was going to wait until later.

"Yeah I'll see what Duff says but count me in!" He opened the door and motioned to a passed out Duff on the bed with an arm dangling off. He laughs and nods to me "I'll meet you at your room."

"Okay sounds good!" I tell him as I begin to walk away. I head a little further down the hall to mine and Slashes room when I realized I forgot the key. I knock twice and wait patiently. Perrie opens the door, "hey girl!"

"Hey whats up?" I ask her walking in, I see Slash, Izzy, Axl and an empty seat next to Axl where I assume Perrie was sitting. I smile at everyone and walk over to Slash.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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