Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

As soon as I walked into Perries house I kicked off my boots and shrugged my leather jacket off my shoulders onto the couch. I sit down turning on the T.V. flipping the channels until I landed on MTV where they were playing the Welcome to the Jungle music video.

"They're so cool aren't they?" Perrie asked sitting next to me. She no longer was in the clothes she had on for school instead was wearing a plain white t-shirt with sweat pants.

"Yeah they are." I say not taking my eyes off the T.V.

We're at the guitar solo when the phone rings and Perrie jumps up and answers it, I stay seated.

"Really! Holy crap man how'd you get them?!" I hear Perrie squeal with excitement, I wonder what kind of news she got.

I walk into the kitchen and grab a bottle of water. I sit at the table looking out the huge window drinking my water when I hear Perrie hang up and run to the kitchen.

"You'll never guess what just happened." She says sounding more calm than she did when she answered the phone. "What happened?" I ask looking up at her. "MY COUSIN GOT TICKETS TO THE GUNS N ROSES CONCERT!" She yells in my ear jumping up and down.

"No way, how'd he get them?"

"According to him he has people but that doesn't matter IM GOING TO SEE GUNS N ROSES LIVE!" She yells again to close to my ear them realizes something, "just one problem though"

"What?" I ask

"He only got two tickets one for me and one for-"

"Him .." I finish off for her

"Yeah.. But I can still bring you something like a shirt or something."

"No it's alright I'll be fine don't worry." I say trying to look thankful.

"Need help picking out what to wear?" I ask trying to change the subject into something positive.

"Concerts next month." She reminds me.

"I know but knowing you, you might need more time." I laugh and she chuckles agreeing with me.

"Shut up Mo."

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