Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I woke up to whispers and shuffling back and forth. I opened my eyes and saw Perrie standing in front of me with a cheeky grin, "Morning."

"Hey....why aren't you happy this morning" I smirk, "Oh I think I know why."

"Shut up and I see you and Slash got pretty cozy"

"Yeah he asked me to stay."

"Aww I think Slashy washy has a wittle crush on.." She started before I cut her off, "Don't you even dare finish that sentence" I hold my hand up. She laughs and walks away to find I'm guessing Axl.

I turned my head to see a ball of hair. I smiled he was just cute and looked cuter while he slept. What the hell did I just say? He stirred in his sleep catching on to whatever he could and when he didn't find anything his eyes opened, "Mornin' sleepy head."

"I thought you left" he says looking like if he was worried for a second.

"Nah I just woke up"

"Well I'm glad you didn't" he says a smile creeping onto his face.

"Me too" I smile getting up.

I walked to the tiny restroom they had on the bus. I looked in the mirror and immediately started pointing out all my flaws. My cheeks were fat, my hairs a mess and not just because I just woke up, I have darks circles under my eyes, I'm chubby like really chubby but still not considered fat I guess, my thighs were huge and jiggle when I walk, my arms are too dark for my legs I just hated the way I looked. I sigh and wash my face. I look once more into the mirror before walking out.

I bump into Perrie,"Should we leave?" I ask.

"Um actually I was coming to look for you to tell you something."


"Axl asked me to go with him on the rest of the tour, it just started you know."


"Yeah and maybe Slash will ask you."

"No he won't plus are your parents even going to let you go?"

"I'm going anyway I already said yes to Axl"

"Ok whatever, where's Slash?"

"Watching T.V. with the rest of the guys"

I nod walking away.

I find the guys sitting around watching Looney Tunes, "Hey Mo" Steven says looking up from the tv.

"Hey Steven."

Slash turns his head, smiles, then pats the seat next to him. I take it and he puts an arm around me while I put my head on his shoulder. We sit there in silence watching Bugs Bunny get chased by Elmer when Axl comes, "Ok guys time to go." We all look at him."I better get home nice meeting you all." I say getting up to get my boots and jacket. I walk back to Slashes bunk with Slash following me. "You know I had a nice time even though I was drunk for most of it." Slash says watching me put on my boots. "Yeah me too you guys are pretty stupid when you drink."

"Yeah I bet you ain't to smart yourself when you're drunk." He laughs.

"Maybe not." I say putting on my jacket. "Where do you live I'll walk you" He says. "No I'm ok I'll go alone."

"Oh c'mon just let me walk you."

"Fine you can walk me home."

He smiles and scrambles to get ready. Once he's done we walk out of the bus and onto the street. "You know you're really pretty." He says breaking the silence and making me blush. "Well you don't look so bad yourself." I look up at the sky and squint. Why did the sun have to be so bright? Why do dogs have to be so loud? What is my purpose here on earth? Do penguins have knees? How do jellyfish have sex? How do dolphins give birth? Do cats always land on their feet?

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