Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I sat next to Slash while Izzy sat next to me. "Did you guys do it last night?" Izzy whispered in my ear."That's none of your business why do you want to know?" I whisper back.

"I'm just wondering since we were all piss drunk last night."

"Well I wouldn't have told you anyway."

"It was worth a try."

"Oh yeah you guys are crazy." I say looking at Slash he was smiling, either because he heard our conversation or the show he's watching is funny.

"He really likes you."

"Shut up." I say blushing, "No he doesn't." I say so quietly I can barley hear myself.

"Why does everybody say that?"

"Because its true." Izzy smirks.

"No its not."

"Is too."

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Izzy leave her alone." Slash says, I smirk at Izzy and stick out my tongue. He smiles and shakes his head,"Is too."

"Really you had to do that?"


"Did you guys know that if you stick a cigarett up a mans butt he'll slap you so hard you can't see from one eye?" Steven says sitting inbetween me and Izzy rubbing the left side of his face. "Duh stupid what did you expect to happen? " Slash says.

"I dont know I wanted to see what would happen." Steven answers, "Izzy scoot over man."

Izzy doesn't answer instead he shoves Steven and he lands on top of me he looks up and smiles, "Well hello pretty lady." "Get off." I shove him back onto Izzy and he shoves him to the floor. "Fine I like the floor better anyway!" he yelled turning to the t.v.

"What are you guys watching?" Duff asks walking in and taking a seat next to Steven on the floor. "The Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles." Slash says since he was the only person actually watching it. "Oh cool."

We sat there in silence until the episode finished then transformers started playing. "Why are you guys watching cartoons?" Axl asks walking with and arm draped across Perries shoulders. "Why not cartoons are cool." I answer not taking my eyes off of the tv. "She loves cartoons." I hear Perrie whisper to Axl, he nods before grabbing the remote and flipping through the channels until he landed on an adult entertainment channel, "You guys should be watching this." He laughs.

"Dude it's Saturday morning todays the day with the best cartoons." I say wanting to watch my freaking cartoons, can't a teenager watch cartoons I mean damn. "Yeah I know but this is cooler." Axl replies.

"Porno isn't cool it's disgusting really."

"It's not porno it's adult entertainment."

"Sure bud, I'm going to the restroom." I whisper to Slash. "Ok is everything all right?" "Yeah I'm fine." I give him a smile.

Rocket Queenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें