Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

*Mo's P.O.V*

"You ok man?" Steven asks Slash.
"I'm fine I'll be there in a bit." Slash answers, and with that Steven was gone.

"Sorry for that, it's just that Steven sometimes uses girls and I wouldn't want him to use you like that." He says looking down. What the hell did that mean, did he mean it like a friendly way or a 'I don't want him to use you 'cause I want you to be mine' type of deal? "Do you want to come to the meet and greet with me?" He asks, looking back up,"Um..yeah sure." I say. Oh God I hope I don't embarrass myself.

There was a line a mile long just to see Guns n Roses and when Slash walked in the loud screams became even louder. Slash put an arm across my shoulder guiding me towards the table where the rest of the guys were. When girls saw him touch me their faces went from excited fan girl to pissed off beast who can and will rip you to shreds.

When we got to the table the guard standing there instantly remembered me, "There you are, let's go." He said grabbing my arm before Slash stopped him,"It's ok man she's with me." He says leading me past the guard while I stick my tongue out at him.

"Here you can sit next to me." He says pulling out a chair at the very end of the table. When he sits down people automatically start asking questions, "Are you guys together?" "For how long?" "How'd you guys meet?" What happened to your other girlfriend?" I don't know how to answer all those questions I don't think I should even talk. Slash just waves them off but they don't stop asking.

People were going in one line down the table first to Izzy then to Steven then Duff Axl then Slash. When they saw me I got very dirty looks from girls who wanted Slash. Yeah bitch he picked me instead of you suck on that! I thought. Wow I am mean. "Ok we're done." The guard says. Finally, this was so boring you wouldn't even believe it, wired thing is I never saw Perrie.

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