Chapter 20

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The next few days were great. The whole band was getting along great and Slash and I were going through a honeymoon phase. The band was going to have a couple days off from tour, around 3 they said. Fortunately for us, it was scheduled around the time that the band was in Europe. So not only did I get to spend time with a rocking band, but I got to spend time with the guy who I really liked.

"So about that date I promised you.."
Slash had been really busy so we didn't really have time to go out on an actual date yet.

"Is that still on?" I replied jokingly.

"Yes.... I hope."

"Of course, I'm just messing around. So where do you want to take me?"

"I want to take you somewhere where the stars shine like your eyes." He said reaching in to kiss me. He could be so cheesy sometimes but I loved it.

I laughed as he took my hand and we went over to Duffs room, he had just gotten cases of alcohol and was waiting to distribute them among the band. As we walked in, he Steven and izzy were playing poker betting beer instead of money.

"Hand it all over Iz!" Steven chuckled laughing.

Izzy took a huge swig of his beer then handed it to Steven, "yeah yeah okay you win this time Adler."

Slash and I sat on the couch Duff had against the wall. The guys always got the biggest rooms they could. After all after making it big, why would you want to stay in a tiny room. Duff had gotten one of the medium rooms but it was around the same size as the other guys, except for Axl who insisted he got the "presidential" suite as he called it. None of the guys fought him on it, already knowing how Axl can get but not really caring either since their rooms were pretty large in itself. Yeah the money, the booze, the girls all made it worth while but hangin out together and playing on stage is what really mattered to them. Everything aside.  The room was dark, only lit up by the lamps and tv glare and the evening light. The cool breeze let in from the open balcony doors and I snuggled up next to Slash.

I took it all in. The guys messing around. The sounds, the breeze, the fans yelling below to be let in to see their idols. I couldn't believe I was here. Basically having a love at first sight with Slash, Perrie here doing God knows what with Axl and the rest of the band. I mean I was here sitting on Guns N Roses' couch for crying out loud. I laughed to myself quietly. This must be a dream. "What's so funny?" Slash asked looking down at me. "Nothing just literally can't believe I'm here."

"Well believe it honey its real." He said while pinching my arm.

"Ow! Why'd you do that?"

"To wake you up from your dream."

"Well thanks but damn you could've done it softer." I laugh rubbing my arm.

I had been on the road with the guys for a couple weeks, I had seen places I would never have, eaten new foods, heard new languages. I got so caught up in it all that I realized I hadn't called my mother in a couple days. I know she's probably worried about me and what I'm doing, and I really want to tell her all about my experience so I decided to go give her a quick call let her know I'm safe. "Hey Ill be right back I'm going to call my mom." I tell Slash. He gives me a nod then hands me the key to our room.

I get up and walked past the guys playing poker. I wasn't too sure where Duff was and Axl was most likely doing something with Perrie and would meet with us later. I closed the door behind me and walked quickly to mine and Slashes room. Once inside I grabbed the phone and sat on our couch and took a glimpse of the moon, taking one last long look as if it were leaving. I dialed my moms home phone number. With the time change I really wouldn't know what time it was at home but mami always picked up the phone. Well almost always. The phone rang a couple times, then rang a couple more and I waited. It kept ringing but as I was about to hang up I heard her voice, "Hello?"

Rocket Queenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن