Chapter 16

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I woke up around 1:30 in the afternoon with a killer hangover. I looked over at Slashes empty bed, I could've sworn I put him in his own bed last night. I got up and changed into more comfortable clothes before taking some pills and downing them with a glass of water.

I walk around the tiny hotel room stopping when I hear a soft acoustic melody coming from the balcony. Walking towards it I see Slash in sweatpants looking over the city while playing his guitar.

"Hey." I say clearly breaking him out if his thoughts because he jumped a little. "Hey. You scared me." he says sounding a little embarrassed.

"Oh I'm sorry"

"No worries"

"That was a nice riff you had going on there."

"You think so?"

"Yeah what's it called."

"It's this thing I'm working on its called Patience." He says smiling down at his guitar replaying the riff. I watch as his fingers move gracefully along the fingerboard and can't help but smile, I love the way he plays.

"It needs some work but its getting there." He says looking back up at me his curls falling over his brown eyes.

"It's perfect," I smile "So how'd you sleep?"

"Best sleep of my life. That was up till I woke up with a hangover." he laughs. He puts the guitar down and walks over to me, "You know I meant it."

"Meant what?"

"You know what, the kiss I meant to do that but I was just drunk so I couldn't do it as romantic." He says kind of whispering. "And about you being beautiful I meant every word."

A smile creeps up on my face as I try to hide the blush that's burning my cheeks. "You're crazy." I say.

"I'm not crazy, you're crazy not thinking you're pretty every girl should think they're pretty, you should just love yourself."

~ so that last part is for everybody. you're all beautiful and just love yourself and be happy because it doesn't matter if your crush doesn't like you back or whatever someday you will make someone very happy :)

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