Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Hello Mo, hello Perrie and where were you two?" Our history teacher Mrs. White said.
"Lady problems." Perrie simply stated.
"And it took twenty minuets?" She asked
"Yeah it was bad this time." I said taking my seat, she must not know about the fight or notice the new bruise on my cheek, it was barley forming anyway.

She gave us a look before turning to face the board once again. I looked a Perrie who sits in the middle of the class (I sit in the back) and give her a smirk which she returns.

The reminder of the class was a blur. The teacher was babbling while I just drew on the desk ,since I never bring school supplies I found this pencil on the floor. Finally the bell rang and as usual I was the first one out. It's the last day of school and I just wanted out. I ran to my locker took everything out and threw it in the trash can next to my locker. When I was finished I bolted out the door putting on my sun glasses as I ran.

I jumped the outside fence and ran towards the back door. ( This was the first scene of Secret admirer just so you know.) As soon as I reached the back door opened and reveled Angel who was about to light a cigaret.

"Hey I want one" I whined as I came face to face with him. "Here." He chuckled as he gave me a weed. "Thanks, so last day of school what are you gonna do for summer?"

He shrugged as he handed me his lighter to light my cigarette, " I don't know maybe try to find a way into the Guns n Roses concert but other than that nothing."

When he said Guns n Roses my head snapped in his direction. "What Guns n Roses concert?"
"The one in July."
"Oh right right " I said after finally lighting my cigarette.

"MO!" I heard Perrie yell.
"WHAT!?" I yelled back. I saw run over and halt when she saw Angel. She isn't a big fan of Angel I don't know why if me and him are almost exactly the same but I guess we'll never know. "Would you like to come to my house my parents aren't gonna be there."
"Yeah sure I'd love to go." Angel replied with a cocky smile across his face.
"Shut up Angel, yeah sure lets go." I said. I said my goodbyes to Angel , put out my cigarette, and walked away with Perrie.

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