Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"Thank you and goodnight!" Axl yelled into the microphone as the rest of the guys ran off stage.

"You guys were great!" I told each of the guys as I gave them a hug. "Yeah by the sound of the crowd you guys are huge!" Perrie said walking towards Axl."You what to know what else is huge?" Steven said lifting his eyebrows twice causing the rest of us to laugh. "Shut up Adler." Axl said hitting Stevens arm playfully.

We all calmed down and headed towards the bus we had no time to hang around here since were already behind from leaving so late at the last stop. It turns out we left late because of Stevens bright idea to burn a crew member, but good thing the dude didnt mention who it was or else Axl would have been pissed.

We got on the bus and drove to our next stop.


"Ok guys so we only got 5 rooms so somebodys gonna have to bunk with somebody." The guys tour manager said handing each of the guys a room key.

"Perries with me," Axl said,"so that just leaves you Mo."

"Unless you two wanna bunk and Steven can bunk with Duff." Slash says.

"What why do I have to give up my room Perries Axls girlfriend, you and Axl can bunk." Steven whines from behind Slash.

"Relax Steven you dont have to give up your room I can bunk with somebody else." I reassure him.

"In that case do you wanna bunk with me?" Slash asks me. "Sure."

"Hey Steven want to go to the bar?"Izzy asks him. "Yeah lets go."

"Woah wait up guys." Duff says running behind them. I watch them as they walk out the door then turn around only to find Axl and Perrie are gone too. "That just leaves you and me then... you wanna go to the arcade?" I ask Slash. "Theres an arcade here?" "I dont know but we can find one."


"Ok,Ok, what have you done out of boredom?" Slash asks me, we never found the arcade so just decided to get ice cream and walk around talking. "Um.. I jumped off my grandmothers roof onto the trampoline and since it didnt have the net thing i bounced off and landed on the ground."

"Ouch did it hurt?"

"No it felt like I landed on a cloud, yes it hurt." I say sarcastically making him laugh. "Ok last question, do you like anybody?"

"This feels like 7th grade all over again, I dont know if i have a legit crush on him but I think hes cute so thatll lead to something hopefully." I say looking down at the sidewalk. "Well whoever he is hes one lucky dude." he says causing me to blush. "Enough about me tell me something about you."

"Well I got this tattoo when I was like 16." Slash points to the tattoo of a girl with a red shirt that says 'slash' under it. "And your mom was totally cool about it?" I ask.

"I guess she never really got mad about it, plus I designed it so.."

"Thats cool," I say taking a lick of my ice cream cone. "so im guessing you had alot of freedom as a kid?"

"More than others."

"I wonder the kind of kid you were."

"I was a trouble some kid, I stole and skipped class but look where it got me I'm in a rock band whos making it big" Slash says waving his arms around, "and what kind of kid were you?"

"I dont know mostly quiet and kept to myself, I didnt care too much for the other kids." I look up at him, hes smiling down at me, "what?"

He smirks, "Nothing."

We walked in silence finishing our ice cream until Slash dropped his then we shared mine. We finally finished eating and walked into the first bar we saw, Im underage but have a fake I.D. We sat at a table in the very back where it was quiet enough to hear each other. "How old are you exactly?" Slash asked me.


"And you barley got out of highschool."

"I'm a late baby, I didnt start school when I was supposed to."

"Hey guys I didnt expect to see you here!" Steven yells coming towards us.

"Yeah we thought youd be getting it on." Duff yells from behind Steven, clearly they were drunk.

"No we were not getting it on wheres Izzy?" (<-see what i did there) Slash asks.

"Talking to some bimbo I think." Duff replies scratching his head. "Hey I didnt know youre allowed to drink" Steven says a little too loudly.

"Shh shut up Im not" I whisper.

"Oh right haha."

"Hey guys Im heading out." Izzy came to inform us.

"What why partys just started" Steven says.

"That girl I was just talking to shes going to visit the hotel for a while." He says with a slight smile.

"Alright dont get her pregnant we dont need a pregnant girl on tour." Duff says sternly sound like a father.

"Yeah Yeah." and with that Izzy was gone.

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