2015-NYC-7: Objection

237 21 66

August 4, 2015

When I turned my phone back on in the late afternoon, there were six voicemails plus 42 text messages from Harry and one message from the stockbroker. Deleting Harry's communications without listening to or reading them made me feel guilty temporarily, but I wasn't the one who had gone from his bed immediately to someone else's. No way was I going to be his aperitif. He needed to move on to the main course permanently.

Van, um. I was hoping you'd answer. You must be with a client or something. Look, I wondered if it would be okay with you if, um, if I came to your place tonight and cooked dinner for us? This week I've eaten out at restaurants a lot, and, um, I'd just like to stay in for a change. You know, a little privacy with just us. Okay? Call me back.

The hesitancy mixed well with the undertones of innuendo, and my toes tingled with excitement. I called him back immediately upon hearing the message.

"Austin!" I attempted (and likely failed) to rein in my nervous anticipation. Clearing my throat, I continued, "I think dinner in would be a lovely change of pace for us."

Hoping he picked up on my own underlying message, I hung up before fully freaking out. What would I wear? Gathering my personal items, I rushed to the elevator and out into the hot sunshine. Slipping my sunglasses on, I waved to Marvin as I zoomed past.

"Good girl! Hope you're racing home to your man, Van!" he called, and then corrected himself, "Or your girlfriend! Don't matter to me!"

Oh how I adored this vagrant soul, always watching out for me. I turned around and grinned at him, "Man, Marv! He's all man - or at least I'm hoping to prove that hypothesis tonight!"

My friend howled with laughter, slapping his knee at my comment. The Q line was not quite on schedule that night, and those of us in the crowded and stuffy train were irritable. Or at least the other people in the train car were. I was floating above the insanity like a kite in the wind at the park on a spring day. One man refused to stand for an elderly woman, and a few of the male passengers shamed him into standing by glaring at him. I brushed up against a young tattooed woman with multiple piercings and she cursed at me, "Back away, bitch." My fellow commuters must not have known that I had important plans for the evening, but I kept a smile on my face anyway. I handed a bag of dehydrated pineapples to a homeless teenager at the back of the train, carrying her whole world in a backpack. My dehydrator was paying for itself with fruit for those who needed the nutrients.

Finally arriving at my stop, I politely sidestepped the pile of vomit at the bottom of the stairs before climbing to the top. Although I'd looked perfectly professional when I left the office, now I resembled a bedraggled stray cat with matted fur. My apartment was airless, so I turned on the A/C, letting the cooling air weave its way through the stifling apartment as I browsed my closet seeking the perfect outfit.

Finally I settled on a pair of loose black jeans which I paired with an oversized and flowy cream buttoned shirt with a pale pink cardigan over the top. Hopping into the shower, I made sure to scrub every crevice of my body with my best lavender and sandalwood body wash since lavender is a known aphrodisiac, and sandalwood improves orgasms. Hey! Don't judge me. This is science. Look it up!

Glancing at the clock as I dried off, I applied my makeup before drying my hair. The straight blonde strands would do fine even if slightly damp upon his arrival, but my face needed to be on. Spending the most time getting my eyes just right with some eyeliner, mascara, and a pale nude eyeshadow was worth it when I saw the effect. Quickly I brushed some blush onto my cheeks before getting dressed. I was heading back into the bathroom to apply a pale pink lipstick when I heard the buzzer downstairs. Racing across the living room floor, I pressed the release button, opening my door to allow Austin to enter on his own before I headed back to finish getting ready.

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