2015-NYC-15: Expedite the Case

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August 21, 2015

"How effective is it?" I asked, my legs in the stirrups, gritting my teeth from the 'pressure' (aka pain) of having the IUD inserted.

"99%," my gyno responded, "but it won't be fully effective for a week."

Despite the pain, I grinned. Perfect. I didn't have to calculate how many days until I saw Harry again. I knew exactly based on his text this morning which simply said Eleven. The word, too. Not the numbers. My partner, it seems, is a giant dork.

"Until then, you should use condoms to guarantee there's no pregnancy," she continued. "Now you can get dressed so we can look over your STD test results along with the ones you brought in for your partner."

August 31, 2015

"I get to see you tomorrow," his warm voice echoed across the line.

"Yessssss," I drew out the letters like a series of snakes. "I'm kind of excited."

"I'm beyond excited. It will be late again, though. Concert in Philly, then we'll come to NYC. I've got dinner plans with Jeff...." his voice trailed off, and I could sense a question there.

"You, um, you're thinking about telling him about us, aren't you?" I asked with trepidation.

He paused. "Yeah. Ummm....I'm meeting him in about an hour at Campus Corner. It's a pizza place here. We've got some business dealings to discuss. But, um, he's my best friend, Brains. And now he's going to be my business partner. I think he should know."

I thought over his words, wondering if I should make a fuss or not. Clearly he trusted this Jeff guy, but a lawyer knows you can't count on anyone where secrets are concerned. On the other hand, there might come a time when I want to tell someone close to me, too. I couldn't imagine who, but it was a possibility.

Sighing, I agreed. "But Harry, if you're going to do this, I want to change our NDA. It needs to say that we can each share with one person, but that individual must also sign an NDA."

His voice sharpened, "Who do you want to tell? Cause I think I should get approval over who knows. I'm getting your permission to tell Jeff."

Rolling my eyes even though he couldn't see me, I accepted his condition since it was one I'd planned on making anyway. "Fine. You'll know who it is when I decide."

"Oh." The relief in that one word was evident, and I wondered about the story behind the single syllable.

"Does that mean you're telling him tonight?" I queried. "Cause I need to get paperwork drawn up and faxed to you."

"Nah. I think we'll be with some other mates anyway. Can you send it to me tomorrow? I'll tell Jeff on the way to your place."

There was something.....comforting...old-fashioned.....sweet about Harry wanting to tell his best friend about me. I made a few notes so I could write the contract after we got off the phone.

"There are two kinds of lawyers," he teased, "Those who know the law and those who know the judge."

"Oh yeah? I know allllllll the judges," I smirked. "Not really. How many lawyers does it take to change a lightbulb?"

I stumped him with that one, as his "uhs" and "ums" continued for far too long.

"Just give up, Harry. I'll tell you the punchline."

"No!" he protested. "Tell me when I see you. Better swish, jellyfish!"

"Take care, polar bear!" I replied in what had become our newest tradition of signing off with cutesy rhymes. With a smile on my face (and maybe even a song in my heart), I disconnected, eagerly counting the hours until his face was in front of me again.

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